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namespace TestProtoBuf{    [ProtoContract]    public class Address    {        [ProtoMember(1)]        public string Line1;        [ProtoMember(2)]        public string Line2;    }    [ProtoContract]    public class Person    {        [ProtoMember(1)]        public int Id;        [ProtoMember(2)]        public string Name;        [ProtoMember(3)]        public Address Addr;    }    class Program    {        static void Main(string[] args)        {            Person person = new Person();            person.Id = 1;            person.Name = "First";            person.Addr = new Address { Line1="line1", Line2="line2"};            // ProtoBuf序列化            using(var file = System.IO.File.Create("Person.bin"))            {                ProtoBuf.Serializer.Serialize(file, person);            }            // ProtoBuf反序列化            Person binPerson = null;            using(var file = System.IO.File.OpenRead("Person.bin"))            {                binPerson = ProtoBuf.Serializer.Deserialize<Person>(file);            }            System.Console.WriteLine(binPerson.Name);        }    }}




message Person {    required string name=1;    required int32 id=2;    optional string email=3;    enum PhoneType {        MOBILE=0;        HOME=1;        WORK=2;    }    message PhoneNumber {        required string number=1;        optional PhoneType type=2 [default=HOME];    }    repeated PhoneNumber phone=4;}



  protogen -i:test.proto -0:test.cs -ns:MyProtoBuf


//------------------------------------------------------------------------------// <auto-generated>//     This code was generated by a tool.////     Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if//     the code is regenerated.// </auto-generated>//------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Generated from: file/pb.protonamespace MyProtoBuf{  [global::System.Serializable, global::ProtoBuf.ProtoContract(Name=@"Person")]  public partial class Person : global::ProtoBuf.IExtensible  {    public Person() {}        private string _name;    [global::ProtoBuf.ProtoMember(1, IsRequired = true, Name=@"name", DataFormat = global::ProtoBuf.DataFormat.Default)]    public string name    {      get { return _name; }      set { _name = value; }    }    private int _id;    [global::ProtoBuf.ProtoMember(2, IsRequired = true, Name=@"id", DataFormat = global::ProtoBuf.DataFormat.TwosComplement)]    public int id    {      get { return _id; }      set { _id = value; }    }    private string _email = "";    [global::ProtoBuf.ProtoMember(3, IsRequired = false, Name=@"email", DataFormat = global::ProtoBuf.DataFormat.Default)]    [global::System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue("")]    public string email    {      get { return _email; }      set { _email = value; }    }    private readonly global::System.Collections.Generic.List<Person.PhoneNumber> _phone = new global::System.Collections.Generic.List<Person.PhoneNumber>();    [global::ProtoBuf.ProtoMember(4, Name=@"phone", DataFormat = global::ProtoBuf.DataFormat.Default)]    public global::System.Collections.Generic.List<Person.PhoneNumber> phone    {      get { return _phone; }    }    [global::System.Serializable, global::ProtoBuf.ProtoContract(Name=@"PhoneNumber")]  public partial class PhoneNumber : global::ProtoBuf.IExtensible  {    public PhoneNumber() {}        private string _number;    [global::ProtoBuf.ProtoMember(1, IsRequired = true, Name=@"number", DataFormat = global::ProtoBuf.DataFormat.Default)]    public string number    {      get { return _number; }      set { _number = value; }    }    private Person.PhoneType _type = Person.PhoneType.HOME;    [global::ProtoBuf.ProtoMember(2, IsRequired = false, Name=@"type", DataFormat = global::ProtoBuf.DataFormat.TwosComplement)]    [global::System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(Person.PhoneType.HOME)]    public Person.PhoneType type    {      get { return _type; }      set { _type = value; }    }    private global::ProtoBuf.IExtension extensionObject;    global::ProtoBuf.IExtension global::ProtoBuf.IExtensible.GetExtensionObject(bool createIfMissing)      { return global::ProtoBuf.Extensible.GetExtensionObject(ref extensionObject, createIfMissing); }  }      [global::ProtoBuf.ProtoContract(Name=@"PhoneType")]    public enum PhoneType    {                  [global::ProtoBuf.ProtoEnum(Name=@"MOBILE", Value=http://www.mamicode.com/0)]      MOBILE = 0,                  [global::ProtoBuf.ProtoEnum(Name=@"HOME", Value=http://www.mamicode.com/1)]      HOME = 1,                  [global::ProtoBuf.ProtoEnum(Name=@"WORK", Value=http://www.mamicode.com/2)]      WORK = 2    }      private global::ProtoBuf.IExtension extensionObject;    global::ProtoBuf.IExtension global::ProtoBuf.IExtensible.GetExtensionObject(bool createIfMissing)      { return global::ProtoBuf.Extensible.GetExtensionObject(ref extensionObject, createIfMissing); }  }  }

  to be continue...
