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quickSort in-place version whose space complexity is O(log(N))

 1 public void quickSortSwapping(int data[]){ 2 //call this method 3 quickSortSwapping(data,0,data.length); 4 } 5  6  7 public void quickSortSwapping(int data[],int start,int len){ 8 if(len<2)return; 9 int pivotIndex=start+len/2;10 int pivotValue=http://www.mamicode.com/data[pivotIndex];11 int end=data.length;12 int cur=start;13 14 //swapping the pivot to the end of array,for the testcase [a,a,a,a,a,a](PIE p130)15 16 swap(data,pivotIndex,--end);17 18 //partiton the rest of array19 while(cur<end){20 21 if(data[cur]<pivotVaule){22 23 cur++;24 25 }else{26 27 swap(data,cur,--end);28 29 }30 31 //put pivot back to the original place32 33 swap(data,end,start+len-1);34 35 //using recursive method to partition ench part36 37 int llen=end-start;38 int rlen=len-llen-1;39 40 if(llen>1){41 42 quickSortSwapping(data,start,llen);43 }44 45 if(rlen>1){46 47 quickSortSwapping(data,end+1,rlen);48 }49 }50 51 52 }


quickSort in-place version whose space complexity is O(log(N))