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Leetcode: Valid Parentheses 有效的括号匹配

Valid Parentheses:

Given a string containing just the characters (, ), {, }, [ and ], determine if the input string is valid.The brackets must close in the correct order, "()" and "()[]{}" are all valid but "(]" and "([)]" are not.




如果是 左括号:入栈

如果是 右括号:出栈,并且判断栈顶元素 与 当前遍历括号 是否为一对匹配的括号


class Solution {public:    bool isValid(string s) {        stack<char> stk;        stk.push(#);        for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i) {            if (isLeft(s.at(i))) {                stk.push(s.at(i));            } else {                if (isPair(stk.top(), s.at(i))) {                    stk.pop();                } else {                    return false;                }            }        }        return stk.top() == #;    }        bool isLeft(char c) {        if (c == ( || c == { || c == [) {            return true;        } else {            return false;        }    }        bool isPair(char a, char b) {         return (a == ( && b == )) || (a == { && b == }) || (a == [ && b == ]);    }};