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理解the Username-Password OAuth Authentication Flow





1.The application uses the user’s username and password to request an access token. This is done via an out-of-band POST request to the appropriate Salesforce(客户管理系统) token request endpoint, such as https://login.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/token. The following request fields(字段) are required:


An example request body might look something like the following:


Salesforce verifies(验证) the user credentials, and if successful, sends a response to the application with the access token. This response contains the following values:


An example response body might look something like:


3.The application users the provided access token to access protected user data. Keep the Following considrations in mind when using the user-agent Oauth flow:

Since the user is never redirected to login at Salesforce in this flow, the user can’t directly authorize the application, so no refresh tokens can be used. If your application requires refresh tokens, you should consider using the Web server or user-agent OAuth flow.

