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Cheatsheet: 2014 06.01 ~ 06.30


  • Developing iOS8 Apps Using Swift – Part 1- Hello World
  • The Insider‘s Guide to Android Interviewing
  • iOS8 – How to use Objective-C Classes in Swift
  • Developing iOS8 Apps Using Swift – Part 2 – Connect to the iTunes Search API
  • A Swift Tour
  • Swift Cheat Sheet and Quick Reference
  • An Introduction to Xamarin: Part 1 - 2
  • Basic Comparison of C# and Apple Swift Programming Language Syntax - Basic Comparison of Functions in C# and Apple Swift Programming Language
  • Getting Started with Android Studio


  • Make Distributed Systems Auto-Scalable : Examples


  • Seven Things You Should Stop Doing with Node.js


  • How to Speed Up MySQL Database Performance
  • Tips on Benchmarking Go + MySQL


  • .NET Native Deep Dive: Debugging into Interop Code
  • Reference Source, dotPeek and Source Code Debugging
  • Using Git for .NET development part 4 – resolving merge conflicts


  • simple java