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Cheatsheet: 2014 07.01 ~ 07.31


  • Maximize Compression with Zopfli
  • Browser Detection with JavaScript
  • Simple MySQL Master HA with mysqlnd_ms
  • 8 ways to improve ASP.NET Web API performance


  • Asynchronous Message Passing With Actors in Objective-C
  • Swift from an Objective-C developer’s perspective
  • An Introduction to Swift: Part 2
  • How to Upload, Cache, Save and Share image in an Android App?


  • Simpler and faster GC for Go


  • MySQL Guide for Beginners: What You Must Know
  • Prevent MySQL downtime: Set max_user_connections


  • StackOverflow Update: 560M Pageviews a Month, 25 Servers, and It‘s All About Performance
  • Cosmos - C# Open Source Managed Operating System
  • Using FiddlerCore to capture HTTP Requests with .NET