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C# XML - XmlNode and XmlAttribute



 1         public static string TestXML(string path) 2         { 3  4             XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); 5             doc.Load(path); 6  7             XmlNode root = doc.FirstChild; 8             ParseXmlNode(root); 9 10             XmlNode nextNode = root.NextSibling;11             while (nextNode != null)12             {13                 ParseXmlNode(nextNode);14                 nextNode = nextNode.NextSibling;15             }16 17             return "";18         }19 20         public static void ParseXmlNode(XmlNode root)21         {22             if (root == null)23             {24                 return;25             }26 27             bool hasChild = root.HasChildNodes;28             if (hasChild)29             {30                 for (int i = 0; i < root.ChildNodes.Count; i++)31                 {32                     XmlNode childnode = root.ChildNodes[i];33 34                     XmlAttributeCollection attrlist = childnode.Attributes;35                     XmlAttribute kifattr = null;36                     string childNodeName = childnode.Name;37                     if (attrlist != null)38                     {39                         kifattr = attrlist["KifSchema"];40                     }41                     if (kifattr != null)42                     {43                         Console.WriteLine(childNodeName + "\t" + kifattr);44                     }45                     46                     ParseXmlNode(childnode);47                 }48             }49             else50             {51                 Console.WriteLine("name is: " + root.Name + "   value is: " + root.InnerText);52                 //Console.WriteLine();53             }54         }