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Simplify Path

Given an absolute path for a file (Unix-style), simplify it.

For example,
path = "/home/", => "/home"
path = "/a/./b/../../c/", => "/c"

click to show corner cases.

Corner Cases:


  • Did you consider the case where path = "/../"?
    In this case, you should return "/".
  • Another corner case is the path might contain multiple slashes ‘/‘ together, such as "/home//foo/".
    In this case, you should ignore redundant slashes and return "/home/foo".
class Solution {public:    string simplifyPath(string path) {        stack<string> s;        string str;        int n=path.size();        for(int i=0;i<n;i++)        {            if(path[i]==/)            {                if(str=="..")                {                    if(!s.empty())                        s.pop();                }                else if(str!="."&&str!="")                    s.push(str);                str="";            }            else            {                str+=path[i];            }        }        /*处理最后字符不是以"/"结束,但是str保存了一部分字符串*/        if(str=="..")        {            if(!s.empty())                s.pop();        }        else if(str!="."&&str!="")            s.push(str);        if(s.empty())            return "/";        string result;        while(!s.empty())        {            result="/"+s.top()+result;            s.pop();        }        return result;    }};