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Human Action Recognition by Representing 3D Skeletons as Points in a Lie Group

In this paper, we propose a new skeletal representation that explicitly models the 3D geometric relationships between various body parts using rotations and translations in 3D space. 
Since 3D rigid body motions are members of the special Euclidean group SE(3), the proposed skeletal representation lies in the Lie group SE(3): : :SE(3), which is a curved manifold. Using the proposed representation, human actions can be modeled as curves in this Lie group. Since classification of curves in this Lie group is not an easy task, we map the action curves from the Lie group to its Lie algebra, which is a vector space. We then perform classification using a combination of dynamic time warping, Fourier temporal pyramid representation and linear SVM.
 从拓扑学的角度说,流形就是一个非常优良的拓扑空间:符合Hausdorff分离公理任何不同的两点都可以通过不相交的邻域分离),符合第二可数公理(具有可数的拓扑基,并且更重要的是,局部同胚于R^n。因此,一个正则(Regular)流形基本就具有了各种最良好的拓扑特性。而局部同胚于R^n,代表了它至少在局部上可以继承R^n的各种结构,比如线性运算和内积,从而建立分析体系。事实上,拓扑流形继承这些结构后形成的体系,正是现代流形理论研究的重点。继承了分析体系的流形,就形成了微分流形(Differential manifold),这是现代微分几何的核心。而微分流形各点上的切空间(Tangent Space),则获得了线性运算的体系。而进一步继承了局部内积结构的流形,则形成黎曼流形(Riemann manifold),而流形的全局度量体系——测地距离(geodesics)正是通过对局部度量的延伸来获得。进一步的,当流行本身的拓扑结构和切空间上的线性结构发生关系——也就获得一簇拓扑关联的线性空间——向量丛(Vector bundle)

和一般的降维分析一样,流形学习把一组在高维空间中的数据在低维空间中重新表示。和以往方法不同的是,在流形学习中有一个假设,就是所处理的数据采样于一个潜在的流形上,或是说对于这组数据存在一个潜在的流形。对于不同的方法,对于流形性质的要求各不相同,这也就产生了在流形假设下的各种不同性质的假设,比如在Laplacian Eigenmaps中要假设这个流形是紧致黎曼流形等。对于描述流形上的点,我们要用坐标,而流形上本身是没有坐标的,所以为了表示流形上的点,必须把流形放入外围空间(ambient space)中,那末流形上的点就可以用外围空间的坐标来表示。比如R^3中的球面是个2维的曲面,因为球面上只有两个自由度,但是球面上的点一般是用外围R^3空间中的坐标表示的,所以我们看到的R^3中球面上的点有3个数来表示的。当然球面还有柱坐标球坐标等表示。对于R^3中的球面来说,那末流形学习可以粗略的概括为给出R^3中的表示,在保持球面上点某些几何性质的条件下,找出找到一组对应的内蕴坐标(intrinsic coordinate)表示,显然这个表示应该是两维的,因为球面的维数是两维的。这个过程也叫参数化(parameterization)。直观上来说,就是把这个球面尽量好的展开在通过原点的平面上。在PAMI中,这样的低维表示也叫内蕴特征(intrinsic feature)。一般外围空间的维数也叫观察维数,其表示也叫自然坐标(外围空间是欧式空间)表示,在统计中一般叫observation。
自从2000年以后,流形学习被认为属于非线性降维的一个分支。众所周知,引导这一领域迅速发展的是2000年Science杂志上的两篇文章: Isomap and LLE (Locally Linear Embedding)。

In this paper, we propose a new body part-based skeletal representation for action recognition.
Inspired by the observation that for human actions, the relative geometry between various body parts (though not directly connected by a joint) provides a more meaningful description than their absolute locations (clapping is more intuitively described using the relative geometry between the two hands), 
Given two rigid body parts, their relative geometry can be described using the rotation and translation required to take one body part to the position and orientation of the other 
Mathematically, rigid body rotations and translations in 3D space are members of the special Euclidean group SE(3) ,which is a matrix Lie group. Hence, we represent the relative geometry between a pair of body parts as a point in SE(3), and the entire human skeleton as a point in the Lie group SE(3)  : : :  SE(3), where  denotes the direct product between Lie groups.
With the proposed skeletal representation, human actions can be modeled as curves (figure 1) in the Lie group SE(3)  : : :  SE(3), and action recognition can be performed by classifying these curves. Note that the Lie group SE(3)  : : :  SE(3) is a curved manifold and classification of curves in this space is not a trivial task. Moreover, standard classification approaches like SVM and temporal modeling approaches like Fourier analysis are not directly applicable to this curved space. To overcome these difficulties, we map the action curves from SE(3)  : : :  SE(3) to its Lie algebra se(3)  : : :  se(3), which is the tangent space at the identity element of the group.
To handle rate variations, for each action category, we compute a nominal curve using dynamic time warping (DTW) , and warp all the curves to this nominal curve. To handle the temporal misalignment and noise issues, we represent the warped curves using the Fourier temporal pyramid (FTP) representation
Final classification is performed using FTP and a linear SVM classifier.
The local coordinate system of body part en is obtained by rotating (with minimum rotation) and translating the global coordinate system such that en1 becomes the origin and en
coincides with the x-axis (refer to figure 3(a)).