首页 > 代码库 > python学习03——设计,与input有关



from sys import exitdef rule():    print "Congratulations! You made the right choice."    print "But is also a terrible choice."    print "You have to abide by the contract of the devil."    print "Input your choice: \n 1.dog \n 2.cat \n 3. panda"    next = raw_input("> ")    if next.isdigit():        next1 = int(next)        if next1 == 1:             print "Don‘t quarrel with me!"        elif next1 == 2:             print "Remember, good boyfriend won‘t quarrel with his girlfriend!"        elif next1 == 3:             print "Remember, don‘t quarrel with me!!!!!!!"         else:             print "Input a number in range(1,4)!"            else:        print "please input a number"        exit(0)def start():    print "Do you want to be my boyfriend?"    print "input ‘yes‘ or ‘no‘ "    next = raw_input("> ")    if next == "yes":        rule()    elif next == "no":        print "How dare you!"    else:        print "You don‘t even know the rule, bye bye"start()


这个用的是raw_input("> "),下面的代码用的是input("> ")


from sys import exitdef rule():    print "Congratulations! You made the right choice."    print "But is also a terrible choice."    print "You have to abide by the contract of the devil."    print "Input your choice: \n 1.dog \n 2.cat \n 3. panda"    next = input("> ")    if next in range(1,4):                if next == 1:             print "Don‘t quarrel with me!"        elif next == 2:             print "Remember, good boyfriend won‘t quarrel with his girlfriend!"        else:             print "Remember, don‘t quarrel with me!!!!!!!"            else:        print "please input a number in range(1,4)"        exit(0)def start():    print "Do you want to be my boyfriend?"    print "input ‘yes‘ or ‘no‘ "    next = raw_input("> ")    if next == "yes":        rule()    elif next == "no":        print "How dare you!"    else:        print "You don‘t even know the rule, bye bye"start()


1. 第一个代码里面:next = raw_input("> "), 意思就是无论输入什么,都是字符串的类型,所以要在下面加上一句 next1 = int(next) 转换成数字进行判断。

2.第二个代码里面:用的 next = input("> "), 所以就不用 next.isdigit(): ,因为这个是对字符串进行的判断(参见上一节),这里的话就直接可以用 next in range(1,4):,但是应该注意的是在运行脚本的时候,如果输入字符串,要用“”引号引起来,否则会出现SyntaxError 。

3. 这两个函数均能接收字符串 ,但 raw_input() 直接读取控制台的输入(任何类型的输入它都可以接收)。而对于 input() ,它希望能够读取一个合法的 python 表达式,即你输入字符串的时候必须使用引号将它括起来,否则它会引发一个 SyntaxError 。

