首页 > 代码库 > 机器学习优化算法之爬山算法小结





  1. 爬山算法简单描述

    2. 爬山算法的主要算法

        2.1 首选爬山算法

        2.2 最陡爬山算法

        2.3 随机重新开始爬山算法

        2.4 模拟退火算法(也是爬山算法)

      3. 实例求解


    爬山算法,是一种局部贪心的最优算法. 该算法的主要思想是:每次拿相邻点与当前点进行比对,取两者中较优者,作为爬坡的下一步.


  技术分享 的最大值. 且假设 x,y均按为0.1间隔递增.




 1 # encoding:utf8 2 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt 3 import numpy as np 4 from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D 5  6  7 def func(X, Y, x_move=0, y_move=0): 8     def mul(X, Y, alis=1): 9         return alis * np.exp(-(X * X + Y * Y))10 11     return mul(X, Y) + mul(X - x_move, Y - y_move, 2)12 13 14 def show(X, Y):15     fig = plt.figure()16     ax = Axes3D(fig)17     X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)18     Z = func(X, Y, 1.7, 1.7)19     plt.title("demo_hill_climbing")20     ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=rainbow, )21     ax.set_xlabel(x label, color=r)22     ax.set_ylabel(y label, color=g)23     ax.set_zlabel(z label, color=b)24     # 具体函数方法可用 help(function) 查看,如:help(ax.plot_surface)25     # ax.scatter(X,Y,Z,c=‘r‘) #绘点26     plt.show()27 28 if __name__ == __main__:29     X = np.arange(-2, 4, 0.1)30     Y = np.arange(-2, 4, 0.1)31 32     show(X,Y)
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     对于上面这个问题,我们使用爬山算法该如何求解呢? 下面我们从爬山算法中的几种方式分别求解一下这个小题.

  1. 首选爬山算法

  依次寻找该点X的邻近点中首次出现的比点X价值高的点,并将该点作为爬山的点(此处说的价值高,在该题中是指Z或f(x,y)值较大). 依次循环,直至该点的邻近点中不再有比其大的点. 我们成为该点就是山的顶点,又称为最优点. 


     1.  随机选择一个登山的起点S(x0,y0,z0),并以此为起点开始登山.直至"登顶".


 1 # encoding:utf8 2 from random import random, randint 3  4 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt 5 import numpy as np 6 from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D 7  8  9 def func(X, Y, x_move=1.7, y_move=1.7):10     def mul(X, Y, alis=1):11         return alis * np.exp(-(X * X + Y * Y))12 13     return mul(X, Y) + mul(X - x_move, Y - y_move, 2)14 15 16 def show(X, Y, Z):17     fig = plt.figure()18     ax = Axes3D(fig)19     plt.title("demo_hill_climbing")20     ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=rainbow, )21     ax.set_xlabel(x label, color=r)22     ax.set_ylabel(y label, color=g)23     ax.set_zlabel(z label, color=b)24     # ax.scatter(X,Y,Z,c=‘r‘) #绘点25     plt.show()26 27 28 def drawPaht(X, Y, Z,px,py,pz):29     fig = plt.figure()30     ax = Axes3D(fig)31     plt.title("demo_hill_climbing")32     ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=rainbow, )33     ax.set_xlabel(x label, color=r)34     ax.set_ylabel(y label, color=g)35     ax.set_zlabel(z label, color=b)36     ax.plot(px,py,pz,r.) #绘点37     plt.show()38 39 40 def hill_climb(X, Y):41     global_X = []42     global_Y = []43 44     len_x = len(X)45     len_y = len(Y)46     # 随机登山点47     st_x = randint(0, len_x-1)48     st_y = randint(0, len_y-1)49 50     def argmax(stx, sty, alisx=0, alisy=0):51         cur = func(X[0][st_x], Y[st_y][0])52         next = func(X[0][st_x + alisx], Y[st_y + alisy][0])53 54         return cur < next and True or False55 56     while (len_x > st_x >= 0) or (len_y > st_y >= 0):57         if st_x + 1 < len_x and argmax(st_x, st_y, 1):58             st_x += 159         elif st_y + 1 < len_x and argmax(st_x, st_y, 0, 1):60             st_y += 161         elif st_x >= 1 and argmax(st_x, st_y, -1):62             st_x -= 163         elif st_y >= 1 and argmax(st_x, st_y, 0, -1):64             st_y -= 165         else:66             break67         global_X.append(X[0][st_x])68         global_Y.append(Y[st_y][0])69     return global_X, global_Y, func(X[0][st_x], Y[st_y][0])70 71 72 if __name__ == __main__:73     X = np.arange(-2, 4, 0.1)74     Y = np.arange(-2, 4, 0.1)75     X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)76     Z = func(X, Y, 1.7, 1.7)77     px, py, maxhill = hill_climb(X, Y)78     print px,py,maxhill79     drawPaht(X, Y, Z,px,py,func(np.array(px), np.array(py), 1.7, 1.7))
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 1 # encoding:utf8 2 from random import random, randint 3  4 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt 5 import numpy as np 6 from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D 7  8  9 def func(X, Y, x_move=1.7, y_move=1.7):10     def mul(X, Y, alis=1):11         return alis * np.exp(-(X * X + Y * Y))12 13     return mul(X, Y) + mul(X - x_move, Y - y_move, 2)14 15 16 def show(X, Y, Z):17     fig = plt.figure()18     ax = Axes3D(fig)19     plt.title("demo_hill_climbing")20     ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=rainbow, )21     ax.set_xlabel(x label, color=r)22     ax.set_ylabel(y label, color=g)23     ax.set_zlabel(z label, color=b)24     # ax.scatter(X,Y,Z,c=‘r‘) #绘点25     plt.show()26 27 28 def drawPaht(X, Y, Z, px, py, pz):29     fig = plt.figure()30     ax = Axes3D(fig)31     plt.title("demo_hill_climbing")32     ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=rainbow, )33     ax.set_xlabel(x label, color=r)34     ax.set_ylabel(y label, color=g)35     ax.set_zlabel(z label, color=b)36     ax.plot(px, py, pz, r.)  # 绘点37     plt.show()38 39 40 def hill_climb(X, Y):41     global_X = []42     global_Y = []43 44     len_x = len(X)45     len_y = len(Y)46     # 随机登山点47     st_x = randint(0, len_x - 1)48     st_y = randint(0, len_y - 1)49 50     def argmax(stx, sty, alisx, alisy):51         cur = func(X[0][stx], Y[sty][0])52         next = func(X[0][alisx], Y[alisy][0])53         if cur < next:54             return alisx, alisy55         return stx, sty56         #return cur < next and alisx, alisy or stx, sty57 58     tmp_x = st_x59     tmp_y = st_y60     while (len_x > st_x >= 0) or (len_y > st_y >= 0):61         if st_x + 1 < len_x:62             tmp_x, tmp_y = argmax(tmp_x, tmp_y, (st_x + 1), st_y)63 64         if st_x >= 1:65             tmp_x, tmp_y = argmax(tmp_x, tmp_y, st_x - 1, st_y)66 67         if st_y + 1 < len_x:68             tmp_x, tmp_y = argmax(tmp_x, tmp_y, st_x, st_y + 1)69 70         if st_y >= 1:71             tmp_x, tmp_y = argmax(tmp_x, tmp_y, st_x, st_y - 1)72 73         if tmp_x != st_x or tmp_y != st_y:74             st_x = tmp_x75             st_y = tmp_y76         else:77             break78         global_X.append(X[0][st_x])79         global_Y.append(Y[st_y][0])80     return global_X, global_Y, func(X[0][st_x], Y[st_y][0])81 82 83 if __name__ == __main__:84     X = np.arange(-2, 4, 0.1)85     Y = np.arange(-2, 4, 0.1)86     X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)87     Z = func(X, Y, 1.7, 1.7)88     px, py, maxhill = hill_climb(X, Y)89     print px, py, maxhill90     drawPaht(X, Y, Z, px, py, func(np.array(px), np.array(py), 1.7, 1.7))
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 1 # encoding:utf8 2 from random import random, randint 3  4 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt 5 import numpy as np 6 from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D 7  8  9 def func(X, Y, x_move=1.7, y_move=1.7):10     def mul(X, Y, alis=1):11         return alis * np.exp(-(X * X + Y * Y))12 13     return mul(X, Y) + mul(X - x_move, Y - y_move, 2)14 15 16 def show(X, Y, Z):17     fig = plt.figure()18     ax = Axes3D(fig)19     plt.title("demo_hill_climbing")20     ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=rainbow, )21     ax.set_xlabel(x label, color=r)22     ax.set_ylabel(y label, color=g)23     ax.set_zlabel(z label, color=b)24     # ax.scatter(X,Y,Z,c=‘r‘) #绘点25     plt.show()26 27 28 def drawPaht(X, Y, Z, px, py, pz):29     fig = plt.figure()30     ax = Axes3D(fig)31     plt.title("demo_hill_climbing")32     ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, color=b )33     ax.set_xlabel(x label, color=r)34     ax.set_ylabel(y label, color=g)35     ax.set_zlabel(z label, color=b)36     ax.plot(px, py, pz, r.)  # 绘点37     plt.show()38 39 40 def hill_climb(X, Y):41     global_X = []42     global_Y = []43     # 初始温度44     temperature = 105.545     # 温度下降的比率46     delta = 0.9847     # 温度精确度48     tmin = 1e-1049 50     len_x = len(X)51     len_y = len(Y)52 53     # 随机登山点54     st_x = X[0][randint(0, len_x - 1)]55     st_y = Y[randint(0, len_y - 1)][0]56     st_z = func(st_x, st_y)57 58     def argmax(stx, sty, alisx, alisy):59         cur = func(st_x, st_y)60         next = func(alisx, alisy)61 62         return cur < next and True or False63 64     while (temperature > tmin):65         # 随机产生一个新的邻近点66         # 说明: 温度越高幅度邻近点跳跃的幅度越大67         tmp_x = st_x + (random() * 2 - 1) * temperature68         tmp_y = st_y + + (random() * 2 - 1) * temperature69         if 4 > tmp_x >= -2 and 4 > tmp_y >= -2:70             if argmax(st_x, st_y, tmp_x, tmp_y):71                 st_x = tmp_x72                 st_y = tmp_y73             else:  # 有机会跳出局域最优解74                 pp = 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-(func(tmp_x, tmp_y) - func(st_x, st_y)) / temperature))75                 if random() < pp:76                     st_x = tmp_x77                     st_y = tmp_y78         temperature *= delta  # 以一定的速率下降79         global_X.append(st_x)80         global_Y.append(st_y)81     return global_X, global_Y, func(st_x, st_y)82 83 84 if __name__ == __main__:85     X = np.arange(-2, 4, 0.1)86     Y = np.arange(-2, 4, 0.1)87     X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)88     Z = func(X, Y, 1.7, 1.7)89     px, py, maxhill = hill_climb(X, Y)90     print px, py, maxhill91     drawPaht(X, Y, Z, px, py, func(np.array(px), np.array(py), 1.7, 1.7))
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