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Fail to install windows sdk for win7



  1. 对我自己遇到的题进行概述

  2. 给出相应的解决办法

  3. 附加上其他错误的解决方案!




win7 64系统+Intel处理器


说明:在微软下载中心那里提供两种下载sdk for win7的方式。

一种是:winsdk_web.exe,这种是在线下载模式,会自动识别你系统位数以及处理器架构(不过web安装方式比较容易出现的问题是丢失文件,因为需要文件校验) (任意门)




  • x86 ISO File Name:

    CRC#: 0xBD8F1237 

    SHA1: 0xCDE254E83677C34C8FD509D6B733C32002FE3572 

  • x64 ISO File Name:


    CRC#: 0x04F59E55

    SHA1: 0x9203529F5F70D556A60C37F118A95214E6D10B5A 

  •  Itanium ISO File Name:


    CRC#: 0x50EFE61D

    SHA1: 0x2093EE439193EF79A1629FD9A826CE8D4DE9A93D 


A problem occurred while installing selected Windows SDK components.

Installation of the "Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7" product has reported the following error: Please refer to Samples\Setup\HTML\ConfigDetails.htm document for further information.

Please attempt to resolve the problem and then start Windows SDK setup again. If you continue to have problems with this issue, please visit the SDK team support page at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=130245.

Click the View Log button to review the installation log.

To exit, click Finish.




1、但是一般来说是我们已经安装了高版本的vs2010 redistributables导致的。致使sdk for win7到了这一步时候因为这个组件安装不成功而停止安装进程。

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable 
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable




Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Runtime 
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Runtime


  1. 分别是修改注册表的权限

  2. 修改TEMP环境变量的值



  1. Open Registry Editor (run RegEdit.Exe)

  2. Browse to the following key. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components

  3. Right Click on Components select permissions and then Click Advanced

  4. Select the "Owner" Tab. Select  Administrators  (Group) . Click Apply.

  5. Then Select Checkbox that says "Replace owner  on sub containers and objects". Click apply.

  6. Browse back to the Permissions tab, select the Check box that says "Replace all child objects with inheritable permissions from this object". Click apply

  7. You might see some warnings after applying permissions and owner settings. This is normal. Some windows components are restricted to changing owner.




To verify your %temp% location

  1. Open command prompt  (Click Start, type cmd.exe and click enter)

  2. Type in SET

  3. From the resulting output, look at what Temp= is pointing to

Verify that “Temp=” has a value similar to C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Local\Temp  (Assuming your System Drive is C and Replace [UserName] in above path with your username) 
This “Temp=” value should only have one location pointing to your local temp. Any additional paths in the value or different locations will cause a problem. If you find that this “Temp” has  some unexpected or additional paths in its value change it to point to the expected value. To change the value of your “temp” environment variable follow the below steps.

  1. Click Start and Right click on computer and Select Properties

  2. Click on Advanced System Settings

  3. Click on Environment Variables in the opened window

  4. Select Temp under User variable. Click edit and change it to C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Local\Temp  (Assuming your system drive is C and Replace [UserName] in above path with your user name). Use only one path. Remove any additional paths or other paths.

  5. Do the same for TMP environment variable



其它关于sdk for win7安装过程中出错的解决办法可以阅读下面这篇文章




  1. 当看到国外的一篇文章下有如此不同的人在分享以及提供自己解决问题的方法时,有点感慨!那种氛围不亚于bbs以及知乎。如果我不是仔细看评论,也许就会遇到的问题抓狂。特别喜欢那种分享的感觉

  2. windows sdk for win7可以干些什么?这个不需要我来说吧,不过我到时想推荐一本关与API的书,假如你不太知道拿它来干嘛?《Windows API 开发详解》----人民邮电出版社的

  3. 为了大家的方便我把我下载的资源上传到网盘上去 传送门

本文出自 “且行且欣赏” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://skytina.blog.51cto.com/6834539/1416610