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[Angular 2] Create template with Params

Angular 2 templates have a special let syntax that allows you to define and pass a context when they’re being generated.


import {Component, ViewChild, ViewContainerRef, ComponentFactoryResolver, ViewChild} from @angular/core;import {SimpleService} from "../../serivces/simple.service";import {WidgetThree} from "../widgets/widget-three.component";@Component({    moduleId: module.id,    selector: home,    templateUrl: home.component.html})export class HomeComponent {    @ViewChild(container, {        read: ViewContainerRef    }) container;    @ViewChild(template) template;    constructor(private resolver: ComponentFactoryResolver, private simpleService: SimpleService) {    }    ngAfterContentInit(){        const WidgetFactory = this.resolver.resolveComponentFactory(WidgetThree);        this.container.createComponent(WidgetFactory);        this.container.createComponent(WidgetFactory);        this.container.createComponent(WidgetFactory);        this.container.createComponent(WidgetFactory);        this.container.createComponent(WidgetFactory);    }    onClick(){        this.container.createEmbeddedView(            this.template,            {                desc: Good            }        )    }}


We pass in an Object "desc: Good",  to the template, in tempalte, we use "let-" keyword to define the variable which we can reference to, and the object will be the ‘context‘ for the template.

<template #template let-desc="desc">    <h3>tempalte {{desc}}</h3>    <section>tempalte {{desc}}</section>    <footer>template {{desc}}</footer></template>


[Angular 2] Create template with Params