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重做257. Binary Tree Paths

Given a binary tree, return all root-to-leaf paths.

For example, given the following binary tree:


   1 /   2     3   5


All root-to-leaf paths are:

["1->2->5", "1->3"]

 Solution1: 用string是最方便的。因为string是immutable的,所以当返回的时候不会带回最后加的string。

/** * Definition for a binary tree node. * public class TreeNode { *     int val; *     TreeNode left; *     TreeNode right; *     TreeNode(int x) { val = x; } * } */public class Solution {    public List<String> binaryTreePaths(TreeNode root) {        List<String> res=new ArrayList<String>();        dps(root,res,"");        return res;    }    public void dps(TreeNode root, List<String> res, String sb)    {        if(root==null)        {            return;        }        if(root.left==null&&root.right==null)        {            sb+=root.val;            res.add(sb);            return;        }        dps(root.left,res,sb+root.val+"->");        dps(root.right,res,sb+root.val+"->");    }            }





  1. Check if the current node is empty / null
  2. Display the data part of the root (or current node).
  3. Traverse the left subtree by recursively calling the pre-order function.
  4. Traverse the right subtree by recursively calling the pre-order function.


  1. Check if the current node is empty / null
  2. Traverse the left subtree by recursively calling the in-order function.
  3. Display the data part of the root (or current node).
  4. Traverse the right subtree by recursively calling the in-order function.

In a search tree, in-order traversal retrieves data in sorted order.[4]


  1. Check if the current node is empty / null
  2. Traverse the left subtree by recursively calling the post-order function.
  3. Traverse the right subtree by recursively calling the post-order function.
  4. Display the data part of the root (or current node).


这个方法用的是先序遍历。1.先检查是不是null,是不是leaf。也就是检查返回点/回溯点。 2.对root操作 3.遍历左子树 4.遍历右子树。

因为用的是stringbuilder是mutable的。所以在返回的时候要返回到之前节点的长度。也就是root的长度。所以在对root操作的时候要记录root时候stringbuilder的length.可以验证一下:null节点的root node也就是之前的长度。leaf node root node也就是上一个node长度。因此在回溯的时候要分别重新set length。

/** * Definition for a binary tree node. * public class TreeNode { *     int val; *     TreeNode left; *     TreeNode right; *     TreeNode(int x) { val = x; } * } */public class Solution {    public List<String> binaryTreePaths(TreeNode root) {        List<String> res=new ArrayList<String>();        StringBuilder save=new StringBuilder();        dps(root,res,save);        return res;    }    public void dps(TreeNode root, List<String> res, StringBuilder sb)    {        if(root==null)        {            return;        }        if(root.left==null&&root.right==null)        {            sb.append(root.val);            res.add(sb.toString());            return;        }        sb.append(root.val);        sb.append("->");        int length=sb.length();        dps(root.left,res,sb);        sb.setLength(length);        dps(root.right,res,sb);        sb.setLength(length);    }            }


重做257. Binary Tree Paths