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 1 import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.WeightedQuickUnionUF; 2  3  4 public class Percolation { 5     private WeightedQuickUnionUF firstUnionFind; 6     private WeightedQuickUnionUF secondUnionFind; 7     private int row = 0; 8     private boolean[][] site; 9 10     public Percolation(int n) // create n-by-n grid, with all sites blocked11      {12         if (n <= 0) {13             throw new IllegalArgumentException();14         }15 16         firstUnionFind = new WeightedQuickUnionUF((n * n) + 2);17         secondUnionFind = new WeightedQuickUnionUF((n * n) + 1);18         row = n;19         site = new boolean[n][n];20     }21 22     public void open(int i, int j) // open site (row i, column j) if it is not open already23      {24         if ((i < 1) || (i > row) || (j < 1) || (j > row)) {25             throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();26         }27         site[i - 1][j - 1] = true;28         int self = (((i - 1) * row) + j) - 1;29         int up = self - row;30         int down = self + row;31         int left = self - 1;32         int right = self + 1;33 34         if (i == 1) {35             firstUnionFind.union(row * row, self);36             secondUnionFind.union(row * row, self);37         }38         if (i == row) {39             firstUnionFind.union(row * row+1, self);40         }41 42         if ((i != 1) && isOpen(i - 1, j)) {43             firstUnionFind.union(up, self);44             secondUnionFind.union(up, self);45         }46 47         if ((i != row) && isOpen(i + 1, j)) {48             firstUnionFind.union(down, self);49             secondUnionFind.union(down, self);50         }51 52         if ((j != 1) && isOpen(i, j - 1)) {53             firstUnionFind.union(left, self);54             secondUnionFind.union(left, self);55         }56 57         if ((j != row) && isOpen(i, j + 1)) {58             firstUnionFind.union(right, self);59             secondUnionFind.union(right, self);60         }61     }62 63     public boolean isOpen(int i, int j) // is site (row i, column j) open?64      {65         if ((i < 1) || (i > row) || (j < 1) || (j > row)) {66             throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();67         }68         return site[i - 1][j - 1];69     }70 71     public boolean isFull(int i, int j) // is site (row i, column j) full?72      {73         if ((i < 1) || (i > row) || (j < 1) || (j > row)) {74             throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();75         }76         int self = (((i - 1) * row) + j) - 1;77         return secondUnionFind.connected(row * row, self);78     }79 80     public boolean percolates() // does the system percolate?81      {82         return firstUnionFind.connected(row * row + 1, row * row);83     }84 85     public static void main(String[] args) // test client (optional)86      {87     }88 }
 1 import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdOut; 2 import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdRandom; 3 import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdStats; 4  5  6 public class PercolationStats { 7     private int trys = 0; 8     private double[] successTrials; 9     private double mean = 0;10     private double stddev = 0;11 12     public PercolationStats(int n, int trials) // perform trials independent experiments on an n-by-n grid13      {14         if ((n <= 0) || (trials <= 0)) {15             throw new IllegalArgumentException();16         }17 18         trys = trials;19         successTrials = new double[trys];20 21         for (int i = 0; i < trials; i++) {22             successTrials[i] = 0;23 24             Percolation percolationTries = new Percolation(n);25 26             while (!percolationTries.percolates()) {27                 int a = StdRandom.uniform(1, n + 1);28                 int b = StdRandom.uniform(1, n + 1);29 30                 while (percolationTries.isOpen(a, b)) {31                     a = StdRandom.uniform(1, n + 1);32                     b = StdRandom.uniform(1, n + 1);33                 }34 35                 percolationTries.open(a, b);36                 successTrials[i]++;37             }38 39             successTrials[i] = successTrials[i] / (n * n);40         }41         mean = StdStats.mean(successTrials);42         stddev =  StdStats.stddev(successTrials);43     }44 45     public double mean() // sample mean of percolation threshold46     {47         return mean;48     }49 50     public double stddev() // sample standard deviation of percolation threshold51     {52         return stddev;53     }54 55     public double confidenceLo() // low  endpoint of 95% confidence interval56     {57         return mean - ((1.96 * stddev) / Math.sqrt(trys));58     }59 60     public double confidenceHi() // high endpoint of 95% confidence interval61     {62         return mean + ((1.96 * stddev) / Math.sqrt(trys));63     }64 65     public static void main(String[] args) // test client (described below)66      {67         int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);68         int trials = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);69         PercolationStats percolationStatsCase = new PercolationStats(n, trials);70         StdOut.printf("%-24s", "mean");71         StdOut.printf("= %.16f\n", percolationStatsCase.mean());72         StdOut.printf("%-24s", "stddev");73         StdOut.printf("= %.18f\n", percolationStatsCase.stddev());74         StdOut.printf("%-24s", "95% confidence interval");75         StdOut.printf("= %.16f, %.16f\n", percolationStatsCase.confidenceLo(),76             percolationStatsCase.confidenceHi());77     }78 }

