首页 > 代码库 > 第十七篇:曲径通幽处,禅房花木深--初探WDDM驱动学习笔记(四)
Multiple Monitors and Video Present Networks
Kernel mode display-only miniport driver (KMDOD) sample
相比较MIRROR, 这个驱动更加接近我的项目,以及评估的内容.The hardware on a display adapter that is responsible for scanning rendered content from video memory and presenting it on video outputs is called the display adapter‘s presentational subsystem. A video present network (VidPN) is a software model of a display adapter‘s presentational subsystem.
The key elements of a display adapter‘s presentational subsystem are the views (primary surface chains) and the video outputs. In the VidPN model, a view is called video present source, and a video output is called a video present target.
A video present path is an association between a video present source and a video present target. A VidPN models the relationship between sources and targets by maintaining a set of video present paths. The set of paths is called aVidPN topology.
Note that video present targets are not the monitors (or other external display devices) connected to the display adapter. The video present targets are the video output connectors themselves.