首页 > 代码库 > centos5安装salt-master



1. centos5通过yum安装的master版本肯定低于centos6安装的minion,所以必须升级salt-master

2. zeromq版本太低会报这个错

2014-10-29 14:36:04,597 [salt.master      ][WARNING ] You have a version of ZMQ less than ZMQ 3.2! There are known connection keep-alive issues with ZMQ < 3.2 which may result in loss of contact with minions. Please upgrade your ZMQ!



wget http://download.zeromq.org/zeromq-3.2.5.tar.gz


cd zeromq-3.2.5
.configure && make && make install


/usr/local/python/bin/pip install pyzmq --install-option="--zmq=/usr/lib"


/usr/local/python/bin/pip install salt


/usr/local/python/bin/|-- 2to3|-- django-admin|-- django-admin.py|-- django-admin.pyc|-- easy_install|-- easy_install-2.7|-- idle|-- pip|-- pip2|-- pip2.7|-- pydoc|-- python -> python2|-- python-config -> python2-config|-- python2 -> python2.7|-- python2-config -> python2.7-config|-- python2.7|-- python2.7-config|-- salt|-- salt-call|-- salt-cloud|-- salt-cp|-- salt-key|-- salt-master|-- salt-minion|-- salt-run|-- salt-ssh|-- salt-syndic`-- smtpd.py


#!/bin/bash## salt master startup system-v scriptDEBIAN_VERSION=/etc/debian_versionSUSE_RELEASE=/etc/SuSE-release# Source function library.if [ -f $DEBIAN_VERSION ]; then   break   elif [ -f $SUSE_RELEASE -a -r /etc/rc.status ]; then    . /etc/rc.statuselse    . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functionsfiSALTMASTER=/usr/local/python/bin/salt-masterpython=/usr/local/python/bin/pythonSERVICE=salt-masterPROCESS=salt-masterstart() {    echo -n ‘starting salt-master daemon:‘    daemon --check $SERVICE $SALTMASTER -d    RETVAL=$?    echo    return $RETVAL}stop() {    echo -n ‘stoping salt-master daemon:‘    killproc $PROCESS    RETVAL=$?    echo}restart() {    stop    start}case "$1" in    start|stop|restart)        $1        ;;    status)        if [ -f $SUSE_RELEASE ]; then            echo -n "Checking for service salt-master "            checkproc $SALTMASTER            rc_status -v        elif [ -f $DEBIAN_VERSION ]; then            if [ -f $LOCKFILE ]; then                RETVAL=0                echo "salt-master is running."            else                RETVAL=1                echo "salt-master is stopped."            fi        else            status $PROCESS            RETVAL=$?        fi        ;;    condrestart)        [ -f $LOCKFILE ] && restart || :        ;;    reload)        echo "can‘t reload configuration, you have to restart it"        RETVAL=$?        ;;    *)        echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart|condrestart|reload}"        exit 1        ;;esacexit $RETVAL

