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asp.net 使用JQuery 调用Ashx 后面直接写方法名,通过反射找到对应的方法

using System.Reflection;public class Industry_Manager : IHttpHandler{    HttpRequest gRequest = null;    HttpContext gContext = null;    HttpResponse gResponse = null;    string func = string.Empty;    string result = string.Empty;    string pageUrl = string.Empty;    public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)    {        context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";        gContext = context;        gRequest = context.Request;        gResponse = context.Response;        func = gRequest["func"];        MethodInfo method = typeof(Industry_Manager).GetMethod(func);        if (method != null)        {            object[] args = new object[] { result };            method.Invoke(this, args);            result = (string)args[0];        }        gResponse.Write(result);    }

js 代码

  url: "http://www.cnblogs.com/Ashx/Industry_Manager.ashx?func=GetIndustryList", //请求数据的页面,后面参数直接跟方法名就可以了,后台通过反射自动查找,并返回数据

 public void GetIndustryList(out string result)    {        int count = 0;        string sort = string.IsNullOrEmpty(gRequest["sort"]) ? "rectime_11022" : gRequest["sort"];        string order = string.IsNullOrEmpty(gRequest["order"]) ? "desc" : gRequest["order"];        string sector = gRequest["sector"];        string name = gRequest["name"];        string sWhere = "";        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sector) && sector != "请选择")        {            sWhere += " and  f002v_10202=‘" + sector + "";        }        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))        {            sWhere += " and  f004v_10202 like ‘" + name + "%‘";        }        sWhere = sWhere.TrimStart(" and".ToCharArray());        BLL.vm_dms_allIndustry bll = new BLL.vm_dms_allIndustry();        List<Model.vm_dms_allIndustry> list = bll.GetListRowNumber("vm_dms_allIndustry", "", sWhere, GetPageIndex(), sort, order, GetPageSize(), "*", "f001g_10202", ref count);        string strResult = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(list);        strResult = JsonHelper.JsonReplaceDate1(strResult);        strResult = "{ \"total\":" + count + ",\"rows\":" + strResult + "}";        result = strResult;    }

这样就可以避免写一堆 的switch  case 了


public class News_Manager : IHttpHandler{    HttpRequest gRequest = null;    HttpContext gContext = null;    HttpResponse gResponse = null;    string func = string.Empty;    string result = string.Empty;    string pageUrl = string.Empty;    public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)    {        context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";        gContext = context;        gRequest = context.Request;        gResponse = context.Response;        pageUrl = gRequest.UrlReferrer.AbsolutePath;              func = gRequest["func"];        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(func))        {            switch (func)            {                case "Get_News_General_List":                    Get_News_General_List(out result);                    break;                case "News_General_Stock_Edit":                    News_General_Stock_Edit(out result);                    break;                case "Get_News_General_ById":                    Get_News_General_ById(out result);                    break;                case "News_General_Stock_Delete":                    News_General_Stock_Delete(out result);                    break;                case "Get_News_General_ByGuid":                    Get_News_General_ByGuid(out result);                    break;                case "News_General_Indus_Edit":                    News_General_Indus_Edit(out result);                    break;                case "News_General_Industry_Delete":                    News_General_Industry_Delete(out result);                    break;                case "Save":                    Save(out result);                    break;                case "GetNewsById":                    GetNewsById(out result);                    break;                case "Get_News_General_Industry_ById":                    Get_News_General_Industry_ById(out result);                    break;                case "CreateGuid":                    CreateGuid(out result);                    break;                case "GetStockByIndustry":                    GetStockByIndustry(out result);                    break;                case "GetPLByNewsIDAndType":                    GetPLByNewsIDAndType(out result);                    break;                default:                    break;            }        }        gResponse.Write(result);

asp.net 使用JQuery 调用Ashx 后面直接写方法名,通过反射找到对应的方法