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Introduction to gaussian filter 高斯滤波器
Introduction to gaussian filter
我尝试尽可能低门槛的介绍这些好玩的东东~这里仅仅需要正态分布函数作为基础即可开始玩图像的高斯滤波了. Don‘t panic !
简单的事情永远别搞复杂了。工程师的定义是什么,就是把复杂问题简单化的人. 越简单越好. 世界上本没有很困难的问题,只是阐述的人说的不够直白而已.
公式就在这里,怎么做?下面通过程序实现来“体会”并领悟高斯滤波. 不信我扯不清楚
x y 代表距离中心点的距离
(担心优化之后程序便于和原来算法对照理解...所以当用户把kernel窗口调的比较大的时候(Kernel_size > 11的时候),程序会比较慢)
%*********************************************************** % code writer : EOF % code file : test.m % code date : 2014.10.25 % e-mail : jasonleaster@gmail.com % % Code Description: % % Here is my implementation of gaussian filter which % is only work for single channel image. % % If you find something wrong with my code ,please touch % me by e-mail. %************************************************************** function Output = gaussian_filter_for_dark_Image(Image,Kernel_size,epsilon) if size(Image,3) ~= 1 fprintf('Hey guys, please input a single channel image.\n'); end Location_X = zeros(Kernel_size,Kernel_size); Location_Y = zeros(Kernel_size,Kernel_size); %% Initialization for original Location. for row = 1 : Kernel_size for col = 1 : Kernel_size Location_X(row ,col) = (col -1) - floor(Kernel_size/2); Location_Y(row ,col) = (row -1) - floor(Kernel_size/2); end end Kernel = zeros(Kernel_size,Kernel_size); for row = 1 : Kernel_size for col = 1 : Kernel_size % Oh , Attention. Here we are gonna to compute the Kernel of % our filter. Kernel(row,col) = (1/(2*pi*(epsilon.^2))) * ... exp( - (Location_X(row,col).^2 + Location_Y(row,col).^2)./(2* (epsilon.^2) )); end end Image_Height = size(Image,1); Image_Width = size(Image,2); Output = zeros(Image_Height,Image_Width); for row = 1: Image_Height for col = 1: Image_Width sum_value = http://www.mamicode.com/0;>
测试:参数:Kernel_size = 11, epsilon = 2.5
如果你仔细分析过Kernel_size得到的高斯权重的话就会发现,其实Kernel_size过大是没有什么实际意义的.影响不大,一般7 和11得到的结果都很接近,真正影响模糊效果的是epsilon, 这里epsilon取值为2.5,如果你取值小一点,图像的模糊程度就会弱(即,清晰)
这里我整合了单通道和三通道的图片高斯滤波,写成一个函数(嘿嘿,I love robust)
下面是用Kernel_win_size = 3, epsilon = 1.5的输出效果
%*********************************************************** % code writer : EOF % code file : gaussian_filter_for_Image.m % code date : 2014.10.25 % e-mail : jasonleaster@gmail.com % % Code Description: % % Here is my implementation of gaussian filter . % % Parameter @Image is the inputed image, @Kernel_size % describe the size of filter kernel and @epsilon is the % parameter in normal-distribution which you are familiar with. % % If you find something wrong with my code ,please touch % me by e-mail. %************************************************************** function Output = gaussian_filter_for_Image(Image,Kernel_size,epsilon) if size(Image,3) ~= 1 && size(Image,3) ~= 3 fprintf('Hey guys, please input a single or three channel image.\n'); end Location_X = zeros(Kernel_size,Kernel_size); Location_Y = zeros(Kernel_size,Kernel_size); %% Initialization for original Location. for row = 1 : Kernel_size for col = 1 : Kernel_size Location_X(row ,col) = (col -1) - floor(Kernel_size/2); Location_Y(row ,col) = (row -1) - floor(Kernel_size/2); end end Kernel = zeros(Kernel_size,Kernel_size); for row = 1 : Kernel_size for col = 1 : Kernel_size % Oh , Attention. Here we are gonna to compute the Kernel of % our filter. Kernel(row,col) = (1/((2*pi*(epsilon.^2)))) * ... exp( - (Location_X(row,col).^2 + Location_Y(row,col).^2)./(2* (epsilon.^2) )); end end sum_of_Kernel = sum(Kernel(:)); Image_Height = size(Image,1); Image_Width = size(Image,2); if size(Image,3) == 1 Output = zeros(Image_Height,Image_Width); else Output = zeros(Image_Height,Image_Width,3); end for row = 1: Image_Height for col = 1: Image_Width % Set the patch start location and end location. Kernel_row_start = row - floor(Kernel_size/2); Kernel_col_start = col - floor(Kernel_size/2); Kernel_row_end = row + floor(Kernel_size/2); Kernel_col_end = col + floor(Kernel_size/2); for channel = 1: size(Image,3) sum_value = http://www.mamicode.com/0;>解惑:
Don‘t panic :)
Introduction to gaussian filter 高斯滤波器