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#!/usr/bin/pythonimport osimport timeimport socketdef getsource():    print "[Info]-Please input the absolute path of file or directory which you want to back up."    spath = raw_input(>)    if not os.path.exists(spath):        print "[Error]-%s does not exsist.Try again."%spath        exit()    return spathdef gettarget():    print "[Info]-Please input the absolute path of target directory."    tpath = raw_input(>)    if not os.path.exists(tpath):        os.makedirs(tpath)    return tpathdef backup(spath,tpath):    hostname = socket.gethostname()    filename = _.join([hostname,time.strftime(%m-%d-%Y),logs.tar.gz])    filepath = tpath + os.sep + filename    clist = [tar -zcvf, filepath, spath]    command =  .join(clist)    os.system(command)    print "Backup successfully!"if __name__ == __main__:    source = getsource()    target = gettarget()    backup(source,target)

