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A Tour of Go Switch evaluation order

Switch cases evaluate cases from top to bottom, stopping when a case succeeds.

(For example,

switch i {case 0:case f():}

does not call f if i==0.)

Note: Time in the Go playground always appears to start at 2009-11-10 23:00:00 UTC, a value whose significance is left as an exercise for the reader.

package main  import (    "fmt"    "time")func f(num *int) int{    (*num) = (*num) + 1    return (*num);}func main() {    num := 0    total := 3    switch total {    case f(&num):            fmt.Println(num)    case f(&num):        fmt.Println(num)    case f(&num):        fmt.Println(num)    }    fmt.Println("When‘s Saturday?")    today := time.Now().Weekday()    switch time.Saturday {    case today + 0:        fmt.Println("Today.")    case today + 1 :        fmt.Println("Tomorrow.")    case today + 2:        fmt.Println("In tow days.")    default:        fmt.Println("Too far away.")    }}


A Tour of Go Switch evaluation order