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Ingames we often want to find paths from one location to another. We’renot just trying to find the shortest distance; we also want to takeinto account travel time. In this map, walking through water issignificantly slower, so we want to find a path that avoids waterwhen possible. This is an interactive diagram. Click on the map tocycle through floor, grass, sand, water, and walls/trees. Move theblob (start point) and “X” (end point) to see the shortest path.	

Howwould we calculate this path? A* is the mostcommonly used algorithm in games. It is one of a family of graphsearch algorithms that follow the same structure. Thesealgorithms represent the map as a graph and then find a pathin that graph. If you haven’t seen node-and-edge graphs before,here’smy introductory article. For this article, graph nodes will belocations on the map. Breadth First Searchis the simplest of the graph search algorithms, so let’s startthere, and we’ll work our way up to A*.

Thekey idea for all of these algorithms is that we keep track of anexpanding ring called the frontier. Start theanimation to see how the frontier expands:
Theexpanding frontier can be viewed as contour lines that stop at walls;this process is sometimes called “flood fill”:

How do we implement this? Repeat these steps until the frontier is empty:

  1. Pick and remove a location from the frontier.

  2. Mark the location as visited so that we know not to process it again.

  3. Expand it by looking at its neighbors. Any neighbors we haven’t we haven’t seen yet we add to the frontier.

Let’s see this up close. The tile are numbered in the order we visit them. Step through to see the expansion process:


It’s only ten lines of (Python) code:


frontier= Queue()
visited= {}
visited[start]= True

whilenot frontier.empty():
   current= frontier.get()
   fornext in graph.neighbors(current):
      ifnext not in visited:
        visited[next]= True

This loop is the essence of the graph search algorithms on this page, including A*. But how do we find the shortest path? The loop doesn’t actually construct the paths; it only tells us how to visit everything on the map. That’s because Breadth First Search can be used for a lot more than just finding paths; in this article I show how it’s used for tower defense, but it can also be used for distance maps, procedural map generation, and lots of other things. Here though we want to use it for finding paths, so let’s modify the loop to keep track of where we came from for every location that’s visited, and rename visited to came_from:


frontier= Queue()
came_from= {}
came_from[start]= None

whilenot frontier.empty():
   current= frontier.get()
   fornext in graph.neighbors(current):
      ifnext not in came_from:
        came_from[next]= current
Nowcame_from for each location points to the place where we came from.That’s enough to reconstruct the entire path. Mouse over anylocation on the map and see how following the arrows gives you a pathback to the start position.
