首页 > 代码库 > MSSQL中把表中的数据导出成Insert


use mastergoif exists (select name from sysobjects where name = ‘sp_generate_insert_script‘)begin  drop proc sp_generate_insert_script  print ‘old version of sp_generate_insert_script dropped‘endgocreate procedure sp_generate_insert_script                 @tablename_mask varchar(30) = NULLasbegin  declare @tablename       varchar (128)  declare @tablename_max   varchar (128)  declare @tableid         int  declare @columncount     numeric (7,0)  declare @columncount_max numeric (7,0)  declare @columnname      varchar (30)  declare @columntype      int  declare @string          varchar (30)  declare @leftpart        varchar (8000)     declare @rightpart       varchar (8000)     declare @hasident        int  set nocount on  -- take ALL tables when no mask is given (!)  if (@tablename_mask is NULL)  begin    select @tablename_mask = ‘%‘  end  -- create table columninfo now, because it will be used several times  create table #columninfo  (num      numeric (7,0) identity,   name     varchar(30),   usertype smallint)  select name,         id    into #tablenames    from sysobjects   where type in (‘U‘ ,‘S‘)     and name like @tablename_mask  -- loop through the table #tablenames  select @tablename_max  = MAX (name),         @tablename      = MIN (name)    from #tablenames  while @tablename <= @tablename_max  begin    select @tableid   = id      from #tablenames     where name = @tablename    if (@@rowcount <> 0)    begin      -- Find out whether the table contains an identity column      select @hasident = max( status & 0x80 )        from syscolumns       where id = @tableid      truncate table #columninfo      insert into #columninfo (name,usertype)      select name, type        from syscolumns C       where id = @tableid         and type <> 37            -- do not include timestamps      -- Fill @leftpart with the first part of the desired insert-statement, with the fieldnames      select @leftpart = ‘select ‘‘insert into ‘+@tablename      select @leftpart = @leftpart + ‘(‘      select @columncount     = MIN (num),             @columncount_max = MAX (num)        from #columninfo      while @columncount <= @columncount_max      begin        select @columnname = name,               @columntype = usertype          from #columninfo         where num = @columncount        if (@@rowcount <> 0)        begin          if (@columncount < @columncount_max)          begin            select @leftpart = @leftpart + @columnname + ‘,‘          end          else          begin            select @leftpart = @leftpart + @columnname + ‘)‘          end        end        select @columncount = @columncount + 1      end      select @leftpart = @leftpart + ‘ values(‘‘‘      -- Now fill @rightpart with the statement to retrieve the values of the fields, correctly formatted      select @columncount     = MIN (num),             @columncount_max = MAX (num)        from #columninfo      select @rightpart = ‘‘      while @columncount <= @columncount_max      begin        select @columnname = name,               @columntype = usertype          from #columninfo         where num = @columncount        if (@@rowcount <> 0)        begin          if @columntype in (39,47)          begin            select @rightpart = @rightpart + ‘+‘            select @rightpart = @rightpart + ‘ISNULL(‘ + replicate( char(39), 4 ) + ‘+replace(‘ + @columnname + ‘,‘ +replicate( char(39), 4 ) + ‘,‘ + replicate( char(39), 6) + ‘)+‘ + replicate( char(39), 4 ) + ‘,‘‘NULL‘‘)‘          end          else if @columntype = 35                                            begin            select @rightpart = @rightpart + ‘+‘            select @rightpart = @rightpart + ‘ISNULL(‘ + replicate( char(39), 4 ) + ‘+replace(convert(varchar(1000),‘ +@columnname + ‘)‘ + ‘,‘ + replicate( char(39), 4 ) + ‘,‘ + replicate( char(39), 6 ) + ‘)+‘ + replicate( char(39), 4 ) +‘,‘‘NULL‘‘)‘          end          else if @columntype in (58,61,111)          begin            select @rightpart = @rightpart + ‘+‘            select @rightpart = @rightpart + ‘ISNULL(‘ + replicate( char(39), 4 ) + ‘+convert(varchar(20),‘ + @columnname +‘)+‘+ replicate( char(39), 4 ) + ‘,‘‘NULL‘‘)‘          end          else            begin            select @rightpart = @rightpart + ‘+‘            select @rightpart = @rightpart + ‘ISNULL(convert(varchar(99),‘ + @columnname + ‘),‘‘NULL‘‘)‘          end          if ( @columncount < @columncount_max)          begin            select @rightpart = @rightpart + ‘+‘‘,‘‘‘          end        end        select @columncount = @columncount + 1      end    end    select @rightpart = @rightpart + ‘+‘‘)‘‘‘ + ‘ from ‘ + @tablename    -- Order the select-statements by the first column so you have the same order for    -- different database (easy for comparisons between databases with different creation orders)    select @rightpart = @rightpart + ‘ order by 1‘    -- For tables which contain an identity column we turn identity_insert on    -- so we get exactly the same content    if @hasident > 0       select ‘SET IDENTITY_INSERT ‘ + @tablename + ‘ ON‘    exec ( @leftpart + @rightpart )    if @hasident > 0       select ‘SET IDENTITY_INSERT ‘ + @tablename + ‘ OFF‘    select @tablename      = MIN (name)      from #tablenames     where name            > @tablename  endend


再选择要导出语句的数据库,在“查询”中选择“结果保存为文件……”,执行EXEC sp_generate_insert_script ‘表名‘,如果不写表名,将

