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red hat无法使用yum源的问题

今天想玩一下red hat,自己英语不行,想找一个中文输入法注释一下;却发现yum install ibus出现以下错误:

Loaded plugins: product-id, refresh-packagekit, security, subscription-manager
Updating certificate-based repositories.


出现"The requested URL returned error: 404", 应该是源已经不存在了;

之前注册过red hat,看一下有没有注册;登陆之后出现以下问题:

All available subscriptions for the requested channel have been exhausted.
Please contact a Red Hat Network Sales associate.



The problem is your subscription to RedHat is expired. Please renew it. It is possible to buy a subscription on-line or you can buy through a authorized reseller.

大概是版本问题吧!唉,希望有人看到能帮忙看一下。。。有时间换个Red hat镜像试一下,记下来以后别忘了。


red hat无法使用yum源的问题