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VB获取windows2008 R2 Remoteapp 发布的应用列表

    Dim oWMI, WQL, Instances, Instance        Get base WMI object, "." means computer name (local)    Set oWMI = GetObject("WINMGMTS:\\.\ROOT\CIMV2\TerminalServices")        Create a WMI query text     WQL = "Select * from Win32_TSPublishedApplication"        Get instances of Win32_TSPublishedApplication     Set Instances = oWMI.ExecQuery(WQL)                            Enumerate instances      For Each Instance In Instances       Do something with the instance      Wscript.Echo Instance.Alias or other property name      Wscript.Echo Instance.Caption      Wscript.Echo Instance.CommandLineSetting      Wscript.Echo Instance.Description      Wscript.Echo Instance.IconContents      Wscript.Echo Instance.IconPath      Wscript.Echo Instance.InstallDate      Wscript.Echo Instance.Name      Wscript.Echo Instance.Path      Wscript.Echo Instance.PathExists      Wscript.Echo Instance.RDPFileContents      Wscript.Echo Instance.RequiredCommandLine          Wscript.Echo Instance.SecurityDescriptor      Wscript.Echo Instance.ShowInPortal      Wscript.Echo Instance.status      Wscript.Echo Instance.VPath    Next Instance







VB获取windows2008 R2 Remoteapp 发布的应用列表