首页 > 代码库 > BeanFactory容器的设计原理
















 1 public class XmlBeanFactory extends DefaultListableBeanFactory { 2  3     private final XmlBeanDefinitionReader reader = new XmlBeanDefinitionReader(this); 4  5  6     /** 7      * Create a new XmlBeanFactory with the given resource, 8      * which must be parsable using DOM. 9      * @param resource XML resource to load bean definitions from10      * @throws BeansException in case of loading or parsing errors11      */12     public XmlBeanFactory(Resource resource) throws BeansException {13         this(resource, null);14     }15 16     /**17      * Create a new XmlBeanFactory with the given input stream,18      * which must be parsable using DOM.19      * @param resource XML resource to load bean definitions from20      * @param parentBeanFactory parent bean factory21      * @throws BeansException in case of loading or parsing errors22      */23     public XmlBeanFactory(Resource resource, BeanFactory parentBeanFactory) throws BeansException {24         super(parentBeanFactory);25         this.reader.loadBeanDefinitions(resource);26     }27 28 }



了新的功能。从名字我们可以看出,它是一个与XML相关的BeanFactory,也就是说它是一个可以读取以XML文件方式定义的BeanDefinition的IOC容器。(关于BeanDefinition,我们可以理解为spring ioc的bean配置文件)




public interface Resource extends InputStreamSource {    /**     * Return whether this resource actually exists in physical form.     * <p>This method performs a definitive existence check, whereas the     * existence of a {@code Resource} handle only guarantees a     * valid descriptor handle.     */    boolean exists();    /**     * Return whether the contents of this resource can be read,     * e.g. via {@link #getInputStream()} or {@link #getFile()}.     * <p>Will be {@code true} for typical resource descriptors;     * note that actual content reading may still fail when attempted.     * However, a value of {@code false} is a definitive indication     * that the resource content cannot be read.     * @see #getInputStream()     */    boolean isReadable();    /**     * Return whether this resource represents a handle with an open     * stream. If true, the InputStream cannot be read multiple times,     * and must be read and closed to avoid resource leaks.     * <p>Will be {@code false} for typical resource descriptors.     */    boolean isOpen();    /**     * Return a URL handle for this resource.     * @throws IOException if the resource cannot be resolved as URL,     * i.e. if the resource is not available as descriptor     */    URL getURL() throws IOException;    /**     * Return a URI handle for this resource.     * @throws IOException if the resource cannot be resolved as URI,     * i.e. if the resource is not available as descriptor     */    URI getURI() throws IOException;    /**     * Return a File handle for this resource.     * @throws IOException if the resource cannot be resolved as absolute     * file path, i.e. if the resource is not available in a file system     */    File getFile() throws IOException;    /**     * Determine the content length for this resource.     * @throws IOException if the resource cannot be resolved     * (in the file system or as some other known physical resource type)     */    long contentLength() throws IOException;    /**     * Determine the last-modified timestamp for this resource.     * @throws IOException if the resource cannot be resolved     * (in the file system or as some other known physical resource type)     */    long lastModified() throws IOException;    /**     * Create a resource relative to this resource.     * @param relativePath the relative path (relative to this resource)     * @return the resource handle for the relative resource     * @throws IOException if the relative resource cannot be determined     */    Resource createRelative(String relativePath) throws IOException;    /**     * Determine a filename for this resource, i.e. typically the last     * part of the path: for example, "myfile.txt".     * <p>Returns {@code null} if this type of resource does not     * have a filename.     */    String getFilename();    /**     * Return a description for this resource,     * to be used for error output when working with the resource.     * <p>Implementations are also encouraged to return this value     * from their {@code toString} method.     * @see Object#toString()     */    String getDescription();}



public interface InputStreamSource {    /**     * Return an {@link InputStream}.     * <p>It is expected that each call creates a <i>fresh</i> stream.     * <p>This requirement is particularly important when you consider an API such     * as JavaMail, which needs to be able to read the stream multiple times when     * creating mail attachments. For such a use case, it is <i>required</i>     * that each {@code getInputStream()} call returns a fresh stream.     * @return the input stream for the underlying resource (must not be {@code null})     * @throws IOException if the stream could not be opened     * @see org.springframework.mail.javamail.MimeMessageHelper#addAttachment(String, InputStreamSource)     */    InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException;}

Resource是Spring用来封装I/O操作的类。比如我们的BeanDefinition信息的以XML文件的形式存在的,那么可以使用像ClassPathResource res = new ClassPathResource






    public int loadBeanDefinitions(Resource resource) throws BeanDefinitionStoreException {        return loadBeanDefinitions(new EncodedResource(resource));    }
    public EncodedResource(Resource resource) {        Assert.notNull(resource, "Resource must not be null");        this.resource = resource;    }







       //指定文件        ClassPathResource res= new ClassPathResource("beans.xml");        //初始化DefaultListableBeanFactory        DefaultListableBeanFactory factory = new DefaultListableBeanFactory();        //初始化构造XmlBeanDefinitionReader        XmlBeanDefinitionReader reader = new XmlBeanDefinitionReader(factory);        //加载BeanDefinition        reader.loadBeanDefinitions(res)


