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/// <summary>    /// 查询所有符合条件的工单对象    /// </summary>    /// <returns></returns>    protected ArrayList SearchRecord()    {        OracleDataBase odb = new OracleDataBase();//封装的oracle操作类        ArrayList xlgctjArr = new ArrayList();        string sql = "select t.id xltjid,t.accepttime,tz.EXECUTIVEPEOPLE,EXECUTIVECONTENT,occurreason,resolvent, EXECUTIVEREMARK,‘‘ as SGD,t1.kgsj,tz.EXECUTIVETIME,t.*,t1.lsxz,t1.cz,t1.lssb,t1.lmxz,t1.KJ, t.source  as ISZKD,tz.executiveintime  as  ISINTIME  from TZ_MAIN t , v_tz_xiaowxiuanddaxiu_wxzt t1, tz_main_clinfo tz where t.id=tz.main_id   and tz.EXECUTIVEPEOPLE is not null  and ACCEPTSTATION in (" + Session["DEPNAME"].ToString() + ")  and t.id=t1.mainid(+) and (t1.FIXTYPE=‘0‘ or  t1.FIXTYPE is null)";        //相关过滤判断条件已删除        sql += " order by t.accepttime asc ";        if (sql != "")        {            DataSet ds = new DataSet();            try            {                ds = odb.GetDataSet(sql);                if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)                {                    for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)                    {                        DataRow dbrd = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i];                        xlgctjBean xltj = new xlgctjBean();                        xltj.xltjId = dbrd["xltjid"].ToString();                        xltj.REPORTTYPE = dbrd["REPORTTYPE"].ToString();//反映类别                        xltj.REPORTCONTENT = dbrd["REPORTCONTENT"].ToString();//反映内容                        xlgctjArr.Add(xltj);                    }                }            }            catch (Exception ex)            {                Loger.Debug("tjbb_xlmx.SearchRecord()==>" + sql, ex);            }            finally            {                if (ds != null)                    ds.Dispose();            }            sql = "select t1.id,t2.xlhycl  from tz_main t1,v_tz_xiaowxiuanddaxiu_cailiao t2, tz_main_clinfo tz where t1.id=tz.Main_id(+) and t1.id=t2.mainid and  t1.reporttype in (‘套室表‘,‘水管设备‘,‘水管问题‘) and tz.EXECUTIVEPEOPLE!=‘ ‘ and tz.EXECUTIVEPEOPLE is not null and ACCEPTSTATION in (" + Session["DEPNAME"].ToString() + ") ";            //相关过滤判断条件已删除            sql += " order by t1.accepttime asc ";            ds = odb.GetDataSet(sql);            if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)            {                for (int j = 0; j < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; j++)                {                    for (int i = 0; i < xlgctjArr.Count; i++)                    {                        if (((xlgctjBean)xlgctjArr[i]).xltjId == ds.Tables[0].Rows[j]["id"].ToString())                        {                            if (((xlgctjBean)xlgctjArr[i]).XLHYCL != null && ((xlgctjBean)xlgctjArr[i]).XLHYCL != "")                            {                                ((xlgctjBean)xlgctjArr[i]).XLHYCL = ((xlgctjBean)xlgctjArr[i]).XLHYCL + ";" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[j]["xlhycl"].ToString();//                                   }                            else                            {                                ((xlgctjBean)xlgctjArr[i]).XLHYCL = ds.Tables[0].Rows[j]["xlhycl"].ToString();                            }                        }                    }                }            }        }        return xlgctjArr;    }    /// <summary>    /// 通过xlgctjArr 拼接html    /// </summary>    /// <param name="isAll">0,表示查询,只用显示200条数据即可,1表示导出功能,导出所有数据</param>    /// <param name="xlgctjArr">工单对象列表</param>    /// <returns></returns>    protected string ShowTable(string isAll, ArrayList xlgctjArr)    {        string html = "";        string htmlstr = "";        htmlExportstr = "";        //增加工时系数统计        for (int i = 0; i < xlgctjArr.Count; i++, s++)        {            html = "";            string jbsj = string.Empty;            string xfsj = string.Empty;            string kgsj = string.Empty;            xlgctjBean tempxlgctjBean = (xlgctjBean)xlgctjArr[i];            if (i % 2 == 0)            {            }            else                html += "<tr>";            html += "<td>" + (s + 1) + "</td>";            if (((xlgctjBean)xlgctjArr[i]).REPORTTYPE != null && ((xlgctjBean)xlgctjArr[i]).REPORTTYPE != "")            {                html += "<td>" + ((xlgctjBean)xlgctjArr[i]).REPORTTYPE + "</td>";            }            else            {                html += "<td> </td>";            }            //统计类型            OracleDataBase odb1 = new OracleDataBase();            string sql = string.Format(@"select * from STATISTICALTYEP");            DataSet dtStatisticalType = odb1.GetDataSet(sql);            if (dtStatisticalType != null && dtStatisticalType.Tables.Count > 0)            {                if (dtStatisticalType.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TYPE"].ToString() == "接报时间")                {                    html += "<td>" + publicbean.resultValue(jbsj) + "</td>";                }                else if (dtStatisticalType.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TYPE"].ToString() == "开工日期")                {                    html += "<td>" + publicbean.resultValue(kgsj) + "</td>";                }                else if (dtStatisticalType.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TYPE"].ToString() == "修复日期")                {                    html += "<td>" + publicbean.resultValue(xfsj) + "</td>";                }            }            else            {                html += "<td>0</td>";            }            html += "</tr>";            if (isAll == "")            {                if (i < 200)                {                    htmlstr += html;                }            }            htmlstr += html;            htmlExportstr += html;//用于导出保存        }        htmlstr += "</table>";        htmlExportstr += "</table>";        return htmlstr;    }



 /// <summary>    /// 查询所有符合条件的工单对象    /// </summary>    /// <returns></returns>    protected ArrayList SearchRecord()    {        OracleDataBase odb = new OracleDataBase();        string sql = " select t.id xltjid,t.accepttime,EXECUTIVECONTENT,occurreason,resolvent, EXECUTIVEREMARK,‘‘ as SGD,tz.EXECUTIVETIME,t.*,t1.kgsj,t1.lsxz,t1.cz,t1.lssb,t1.lmxz , t.source  as ISZKD,tz.executiveintime  as  ISINTIME from TZ_MAIN t ,v_tz_xiaowxiuanddaxiu_wxzt t1,tz_main_clinfo tz  where  t.id=tz.main_id and t.reporttype in (‘套室表‘,‘水管设备‘,‘水管问题‘)   and tz.EXECUTIVEPEOPLE is not null  and  ACCEPTSTATION in (" + Session["DEPNAME"].ToString() + ")  and t.id=t1.mainid(+) and ( t1.FIXTYPE=‘1‘ or t1.FIXTYPE is null)";        //相关过滤判断条件已删除        sql += " order by t.accepttime asc ";        ArrayList xlgctjArr = new ArrayList();        if (sql != "")        {            ArrayList xltjIds = new ArrayList();            DataSet ds = new DataSet();            try            {                ds = odb.GetDataSet(sql);                if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)                {                    for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)                    {                        DataRow dbrd = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i];                        xlgctjBean xltj = new xlgctjBean();                        xltj.xltjId = dbrd["xltjid"].ToString();                        xltj.REPORTTYPE = dbrd["REPORTTYPE"].ToString();//反映类别                        xltj.REPORTCONTENT = dbrd["REPORTCONTENT"].ToString();//反映内容                        xlgctjArr.Add(xltj);                    }                }            }            catch (Exception ex)            {                Loger.Debug("tjbb_gwsbyhmx.SearchRecord()1==>" + sql, ex);            }            finally            {                if (ds != null)                    ds.Dispose();            }            sql = "select t1.id,t2.xlhycl   from tz_main t1,v_tz_xiaowxiuanddaxiu_cailiao t2 ,tz_main_clinfo tz where  t1.id=tz.Main_id(+) and t1.id=t2.mainid and  t1.reporttype in (‘套室表‘,‘水管设备‘,‘水管问题‘)  and tz.EXECUTIVEPEOPLE is not null  and  ACCEPTSTATION in (" + Session["DEPNAME"].ToString() + ") ";                       sql += " order by t1.accepttime asc ";            ds = odb.GetDataSet(sql);            if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)            {                for (int j = 0; j < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; j++)                {                    for (int i = 0; i < xlgctjArr.Count; i++)                    {                        if (((xlgctjBean)xlgctjArr[i]).xltjId == ds.Tables[0].Rows[j]["id"].ToString())                        {                            if (((xlgctjBean)xlgctjArr[i]).XLHYCL != null && ((xlgctjBean)xlgctjArr[i]).XLHYCL != "")                            {                                ((xlgctjBean)xlgctjArr[i]).XLHYCL = ((xlgctjBean)xlgctjArr[i]).XLHYCL + ";" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[j]["xlhycl"].ToString();//修理耗用材料--TZ_DAXIUCLD                                             }                            else                            {                                ((xlgctjBean)xlgctjArr[i]).XLHYCL = ds.Tables[0].Rows[j]["xlhycl"].ToString();                            }                        }                    }                }            }        }        Session.Add("xlgctjArr", xlgctjArr);        return xlgctjArr;    }    /// <summary>    /// 通过xlgctjArr 拼接html    /// </summary>    /// <param name="isAll">0,表示查询,只用显示200条数据即可,1表示导出功能,导出所有数据</param>    /// <param name="xlgctjArr">工单对象列表</param>    /// <returns></returns>    protected string ShowTable(string isAll, ArrayList xlgctjArr)    {        string html = "";        string htmlstr = "";        htmlExportstr = "";        ReocrdCount = xlgctjArr.Count.ToString();        int Allcount = 200;        OracleDataBase odb1 = new OracleDataBase();        string sql = string.Format(@"select * from STATISTICALTYEP");        DataTable dtStatisticalType = odb1.GetDataSet(sql).Tables[0];        string dtStatisticalTypeResult = dtStatisticalType.Rows[0]["TYPE"].ToString();        int s = 0;        if (isAll == "")        {            Allcount = xlgctjArr.Count > 200 ? 200 : xlgctjArr.Count;        }        else        {            Allcount = xlgctjArr.Count;            if (isAll == "1")            {                s = 200;            }        }        for (int i = 0; i < Allcount; i++, s++)        {            html = "";            string jbsj = string.Empty;            string xfsj = string.Empty;            string kgsj = string.Empty;            if (i % 2 != 0)            {                html += "<tr>";            }            html += "<td>" + (s + 1) + "</td>";            if (((xlgctjBean)xlgctjArr[i]).REPORTTYPE != null && ((xlgctjBean)xlgctjArr[i]).REPORTTYPE != "")            {                html += "<td>" + ((xlgctjBean)xlgctjArr[i]).REPORTTYPE + "</td>";            }            else            {                html += "<td> </td>";            }                //统计类型            if (dtStatisticalType.Rows.Count > 0)            {                if (dtStatisticalTypeResult == "接报时间")                {                    html += "<td>" + publicbean.resultValue(jbsj) + "</td>";                }                else if (dtStatisticalTypeResult == "开工日期")                {                    html += "<td>" + publicbean.resultValue(kgsj) + "</td>";                }                else if (dtStatisticalTypeResult == "修复日期")                {                    html += "<td>" + publicbean.resultValue(xfsj) + "</td>";                }            }            else            {                html += "<td>0</td>";            }            html += "</tr>";            //if (isAll == "")            //{            //    if (i < 200)            //    {            //        htmlstr += html;            //    }            //}            htmlstr += html;            htmlExportstr += html;//用于导出保存        }        htmlstr += "</table>";        htmlExportstr += "</table>";        //}        return htmlstr;    }







