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文档说明:获取文件系统用量情况,在API level 9及其以上的系统,可直接调用File对象的相关方法,以下需自行计算

API level 9及其以上,调用 File.getTotalSpace() 即可, 但是在API level 8 以下系统File对象并不存在此方法


/** * Returns the total size in bytes of the partition containing this path. * Returns 0 if this path does not exist. *  * @param path * @return -1 means path is null, 0 means path is not exist. */public static long getTotalSpace(File path) {    if (path == null) {        return -1;    }    return path.getTotalSpace();}


Call requires API level 9 (current min is 8)

为了编译可以通过,可以添加 @SuppressLint("NewApi") 或者 @TargeApi(9)

@TargeApi($API_LEVEL)显式表明方法的API level要求,而不是@SuppressLint("NewApi");

  但是这样只是能编译通过,到了API level8的系统运行,将会引发 java.lang.NoSuchMethodError


为了运行时不报错, 需要:

  1. 判断运行时版本,在低版本系统不调用此方法
  2. 同时为了保证功能的完整性,需要提供低版本功能实现


/** * Returns the total size in bytes of the partition containing this path. * Returns 0 if this path does not exist. *  * @param path * @return -1 means path is null, 0 means path is not exist. */@TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.GINGERBREAD)     // using @TargeApi instead of @SuppressLint("NewApi")@SuppressWarnings("deprecation")public static long getTotalSpace(File path) {    if (path == null) {        return -1;    }    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.GINGERBREAD) {        return path.getTotalSpace();    }    // implements getTotalSpace() in API lower than GINGERBREAD    else {        if (!path.exists()) {            return 0;        } else {            final StatFs stats = new StatFs(path.getPath());            // Using deprecated method in low API level system,             // add @SuppressWarnings("description") to suppress the warning            return (long) stats.getBlockSize() * (long) stats.getBlockCount();        }    }}


  1. @TargeApi($API_LEVEL) 使可以编译通过, 不建议使用@SuppressLint("NewApi");
  2. 运行时判断API level; 仅在足够高,有此方法的API level系统中,调用此方法;
  3. 保证功能完整性,保证低API版本通过其他方法提供功能实现。

