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February 26 2017 Week 9 Sunday

There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.


Some one told me that hearing her love say good night to her is the simplest and the most lasting happiness she has.

She feels she lives a haapy life, though there are some troubles, but most time it is happy, because there are some people who love her, there are some she loves, there are some expectations she can look forward to, and there are somethings that she likes to do.

To love and be loved, whatever, you will find the life may be not as terrible as you have thought, and you will find there may exist some bright and joyful things in your days.


Life is a sum of all your choices. So, what are you doing today?


Life is a sum of all our choices we are making and we had made before, it is also a sum of all we are doing now and what we have done before.

Most often, the road you are walking on are paved by yourself, you will decide whether it is rugged and rough or it is plain, direct and easy to run for your dreams.

So, what are you doing toady? Remember that the best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.

And I suggest that I strike while the iron is hot, for the time waits for nobody.

February 26 2017 Week 9 Sunday