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210 - Concurrency Simulator(WF1991, deque, 模拟)





  print  var(打印);




每个时刻只能有一个程序处于运行态,其他程序均处于等待。上述五种语句分别需要t1、t2、t3、t4、t5单位时间。运行态的程序每次最多运行Q个单位时间(成为配额)。当一个程序的配额用完之后,把当前语句(如果存在)执行完之后该程序会被插入一个等待队列中,然后处理器从队首取出一个程序继续执行。初 始等待队列包含按输入顺序排列的各个程序,但由于lock和unlock语句的出现,这个序列可能会改变。
  1 #include<iostream>  2 #include<cstdio>  3 #include<cstdlib>  4 #include<queue>  5 #include<cstring>  6 #include<deque>  7 using namespace std;  8 const int maxn = 1000;  9 int n, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, Q; 10 char pro[maxn][10]; 11 int ID[maxn]; 12 int var[30]; 13 bool locked; 14 deque<int>  ReadyQ; 15 deque<int>  BlockQ; 16  17 void Run(int id) 18 { 19     int q = Q; 20     while(q > 0) 21     { 22         char *ins = pro[ID[id]]; 23         switch(ins[2]) 24         { 25         case =://var = constant; 26             { 27                 /*通过数组var进行各变量值的记录*/ 28                 int buf = 0; 29                 for(int i = 4; i < strlen(ins)-1; i++) 30                     buf = buf*10+(ins[i]-0); 31                 var[ins[0]-a] = buf; 32                 q -= t1; 33                 break; 34             } 35         case i://print var; 36             { 37                 printf("%d: %d\n", id+1, var[ins[6]-a]); 38                 q -= t2; 39                 break; 40             } 41         case c://lock 42             { 43                 /*Once a program successfully executes a lock statement, no other program may successfully execute a lock statement 44                 until the locking program runs and executes the corresponding unlock statement. 45                 Should a running program attempt to execute a lock while one is already in effect, 46                 this program will be placed at the end of the blocked queue.*/ 47                 if(locked) 48                 { 49                     BlockQ.push_back(id); 50                     return; 51                 } 52                 locked = true; 53                 q -= t3; 54                 break; 55             } 56         case l://unlock; 57             { 58                 locked = false; 59                 /*When an unlock is executed, any program at the head of the blocked queue is moved to the head of the ready queue. */ 60                 if(!BlockQ.empty()) 61                 { 62                     ReadyQ.push_front(BlockQ.front()); 63                     BlockQ.pop_front(); 64                 } 65                 q -= t4; 66                 break; 67             } 68         case d://end; 69             { 70                 q -= t5; 71                 return; 72                 break; 73             } 74         }//switch; 75         ID[id]++; 76     }//while; 77     /*When a program time quantum expires, another ready program will be selected to run. 78     Any instruction currently being executed when the time quantum expires will be allowed to complete. */ 79     ReadyQ.push_back(id); 80 }//Run; 81  82  83 int main() 84 { 85     int T; 86     scanf("%d", &T); 87     for(int cases = 0; cases < T; cases++) 88     { 89         memset(var, 0, sizeof(var)); 90         if(cases)   printf("\n"); 91         scanf("%d%d%d%d%d%d%d", &n, &t1, &t2, &t3, &t4, &t5, &Q); 92         int line = 0; 93         for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) 94         { 95             ///注意记录多行字符串方法 96             ///================================================ 97             fgets(pro[line++], maxn, stdin); 98             ID[i] = line-1; ///line可记录某ID开始到最后的操作; 99                             /*identification number based upon its location in the input data.100                              (the first program has ID = 1, the second has ID = 2, etc.)*/101             while(pro[line-1][2] != d)102                 fgets(pro[line++], maxn, stdin);103             /*Programs are queued first-in-first-out for execution in a ready queue.104             The initial order of the ready queue corresponds to the original order of the programs in the input file.*/105             ///================================================106             ReadyQ.push_back(i);107         }108         locked = false;109         while(!ReadyQ.empty())110         {111             int Pro_id = ReadyQ.front();112             ReadyQ.pop_front();113             Run(Pro_id);114         }115     }116     return 0;117 }
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210 - Concurrency Simulator(WF1991, deque, 模拟)