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Jeremy Lin


[1] BP神经网络解析 http://blog.csdn.net/linj_m/article/details/9897839

[2] Tom M.Mitchell 机器学习教程  地址





typedef struct 
  int input_n;                  // 网络输入个数
  int hidden_n;                 // 隐藏层单元个数
  int output_n;                 // 网络输出个数

  double *input_units;          // 网络输入单元
  double *hidden_units;         // 隐藏层单元
  double *output_units;         // 网络输出单元

  double *hidden_delta;         // 隐藏层单元error
  double *output_delta;         // 网络输出单元error

  double *target;               // 目标输出单元

  double **input_weights;       // 从输入层到隐藏层的权值向量
  double **hidden_weights;      // 从隐藏层到输出层的权值向量
                                // 冲量项    
  double **input_prev_weights;  // 从输入层到隐藏层的冲量项向量
  double **hidden_prev_weights; // 从隐藏层到输出层的冲量项向量




[3] 计算机程序设计艺术(卷2)  Chapter 3 Random Numbers 


BPNN *bpnn_create(int n_in, int n_hidden, int n_out)
  // 创建BPNN
  BPNN *newnet;
  newnet = bpnn_internal_create(n_in, n_hidden, n_out);
  // 初始化BPNN的网络权值
  bpnn_randomize_weights(newnet->input_weights, n_in, n_hidden);
  bpnn_randomize_weights(newnet->hidden_weights, n_hidden, n_out);
  // 初始化BPNN的冲量
  bpnn_zero_weights(newnet->input_prev_weights, n_in, n_hidden);
  bpnn_zero_weights(newnet->hidden_prev_weights, n_hidden, n_out);

  return (newnet);


BPNN *bpnn_internal_create(int n_in, int n_hidden, int n_out)
  BPNN *newnet;

  newnet = (BPNN *) malloc (sizeof (BPNN));
  if (newnet == NULL) {
    printf("BPNN_CREATE: Couldn't allocate neural network\n");
    return (NULL);

  newnet->input_n = n_in;
  newnet->hidden_n = n_hidden;
  newnet->output_n = n_out;
  newnet->input_units = alloc_1d_dbl(n_in + 1);
  newnet->hidden_units = alloc_1d_dbl(n_hidden + 1);
  newnet->output_units = alloc_1d_dbl(n_out + 1);

  newnet->hidden_delta = alloc_1d_dbl(n_hidden + 1);
  newnet->output_delta = alloc_1d_dbl(n_out + 1);
  newnet->target = alloc_1d_dbl(n_out + 1);

  newnet->input_weights = alloc_2d_dbl(n_in + 1, n_hidden + 1);
  newnet->hidden_weights = alloc_2d_dbl(n_hidden + 1, n_out + 1);

  newnet->input_prev_weights = alloc_2d_dbl(n_in + 1, n_hidden + 1);
  newnet->hidden_prev_weights = alloc_2d_dbl(n_hidden + 1, n_out + 1);

  return (newnet);


// 一维数组空间分配
double *alloc_1d_dbl(int n)
  double *newA;

  newA = (double *) malloc ((unsigned) (n * sizeof (double)));
  if (newA == NULL) 
    printf("ALLOC_1D_DBL: Couldn't allocate array of doubles\n");
    return (NULL);
  return (newA);

// 二维数组空间分配
double **alloc_2d_dbl(int m, int n)
  int i;
  double **newA2;

  newA2 = (double **) malloc ((unsigned) (m * sizeof (double *)));
  if (newA2 == NULL) 
    printf("ALLOC_2D_DBL: Couldn't allocate array of dbl ptrs\n");
    return (NULL);

  for (i = 0; i < m; i++) 
    newA2[i] = alloc_1d_dbl(n);
  return (newA2);


#define BIGRND 0x7fffffff

double drnd()
  return ((double) rand() / (double) BIGRND);

double dpn1()
  return ((drnd() * 2.0) - 1.0);
void bpnn_randomize_weights(double **w, int m, int n)
  int i, j;

  for (i = 0; i <= m; i++) 
    for (j = 0; j <= n; j++) 
      w[i][j] = dpn1();



void bpnn_train(BPNN *net, double eta, double momentum, double *eo, double *eh)
  int in, hid, out;
  double out_err, hid_err;

  in  = net->input_n;
  hid = net->hidden_n;
  out = net->output_n;

  // 前向传播
  bpnn_layerforward(net->input_units, net->hidden_units,
      net->input_weights, in, hid);
  bpnn_layerforward(net->hidden_units, net->output_units,
      net->hidden_weights, hid, out);

  // 计算误差
  bpnn_output_error(net->output_delta, net->target, net->output_units,
      out, &out_err);
  bpnn_hidden_error(net->hidden_delta, hid, net->output_delta, out,
      net->hidden_weights, net->hidden_units, &hid_err);
  *eo = out_err;
  *eh = hid_err;

  // 调整权值向量
  bpnn_adjust_weights(net->output_delta, out, net->hidden_units, hid,
      net->hidden_weights, net->hidden_prev_weights, eta, momentum);
  bpnn_adjust_weights(net->hidden_delta, hid, net->input_units, in,
      net->input_weights, net->input_prev_weights, eta, momentum);


// 激活函数
double squash(double x)
  return (1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-x)));

// 前向函数
void bpnn_layerforward(double *l1,double *l2, double **conn, int n1, int n2)
  double sum;
  int j, k;

  // 设置偏置
  l1[0] = 1.0;

  for (j = 1; j <= n2; j++) 
    sum = 0.0;
    for (k = 0; k <= n1; k++) 
      sum += conn[k][j] * l1[k];
    l2[j] = squash(sum);

void bpnn_output_error(double *delta, double *target, double *output, int nj, double *err)
  int j;
  double o, t, errsum;

  errsum = 0.0;
  for (j = 1; j <= nj; j++) 
    o = output[j];
    t = target[j];
    delta[j] = o * (1.0 - o) * (t - o);
    errsum += ABS(delta[j]);
  *err = errsum;

void bpnn_hidden_error(double *delta_h, int nh, double *delta_o, int no, double **who, double *hidden, double *err)
  int j, k;
  double h, sum, errsum;

  errsum = 0.0;
  for (j = 1; j <= nh; j++) 
    h = hidden[j];
    sum = 0.0;
    for (k = 1; k <= no; k++) 
      sum += delta_o[k] * who[j][k];
    delta_h[j] = h * (1.0 - h) * sum;
    errsum += ABS(delta_h[j]);
  *err = errsum;

void bpnn_adjust_weights(double *delta, int ndelta, double *ly, int nly, double **w,
           double **oldw, double eta,double momentum)
  double new_dw;
  int k, j;

  ly[0] = 1.0;
  for (j = 1; j <= ndelta; j++) 
    for (k = 0; k <= nly; k++) 
      new_dw = ((eta * delta[j] * ly[k]) + (momentum * oldw[k][j]));
      w[k][j] += new_dw;
      oldw[k][j] = new_dw;

void bpnn_feedforward(BPNN *net)
  int in, hid, out;

  in = net->input_n;
  hid = net->hidden_n;
  out = net->output_n;

  bpnn_layerforward(net->input_units, net->hidden_units,
      net->input_weights, in, hid);
  bpnn_layerforward(net->hidden_units, net->output_units,
      net->hidden_weights, hid, out);


不过,还有一个东西还没说,那就是所谓的终止条件。从推导BP的过程来说,我们很容易想到的一种终止条件自然是:直到对训练样例的误差E降低到某个预定义的阈值之下。但是,这其实并不是一个好的想法,因为BP算法容易过度拟合训练样例,降低对于其他实例的泛化精度。而为解决这个问题一个最常用的方法是在训练数据外再为算法提供一个验证数据集(validation dataset)。算法在使用训练数据集合驱动梯度下降搜索的同时,监视对于这个验证数据集合的误差。


更加资源请 关注 博客:LinJM-机器视觉微博:林建民-机器视觉
