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  • performance indicators
    • two key parameter
      • solution quality reached after a certain runtime
      • ruantime to reach a certain solution quality
    • measuer data samples A containing the results from multiple runs and eatimate key parameters
  • absolute runtime
    • measure the (absolute) consumed runtime of the algorithm in ms
      • advantages:
        • results in many works reported in this format
        • a quantity that makes physical sense
        • includes all "hidden complexities" of algorithm
      • disagvantages
        • strongly machine dependent
        • granularity of about 10ms:many things seem to happen at the same time
        • can be biased by “outside effects",eg..,OS,scheduling,other processes,I/O,swapping
        • inherentyly incomparble
    • hardware,software,os,etc.all have nothing to do with the optimization algorithm itself and are relevant only in a specific application...
  • function evaluations:FEs
    • measure the number of fully constructed and tested candidate solutions
      • advantages:
        • results in many works reported in this format(or fes can be deduced)
        • machine-independent measure
        • cannot be influenced by "outside effects"
        • in many optimization problems,computing the objective value is the most time consuming task
      • disadvantages:
        • no clear relationship to real runtime
        • does not contain "hidden complexities" of algorithm
        • 1 FE:very different costs in different situations!
      • relevant for comparing algorithms,but not so much for the practical application
  • runtime
    • rewrite the two key parameters by choosing a time messure
      • solution quality reached after a certain number of FEs
      • number FEs needed to reach a certain solution quality
  • solution quality
    • common measure of solution quality:objective function value of best solution discoved.
    • rewrite the two key parameters
      • best objective funcion value reached afer a certain number of FEs
      • number FEs needed to reach a certain objective function value .
  • determining target values
    • how to determine the right maximum FEs or target function values?
      • from studies in literature regarding similar or the same problem.
      • from experience .
      • from prior ,small-scale experiments.
      • based on known lower bounds.


  1. arithmetic mean:
    1. The arithmetic mean a is an estimate of the expected value. It is computed as the sum of all elements in the sample data A divided by the total number of values.
  2. median
    1. the median med(X) is the value right in the Middle of a sample or distribution ,dividing it into two equal halves.
    2. for a sorted data sample A,index starting at 0;
  3. when describing a random process ,we should always use the median instead of the mean.
  4. standard deviation .
  5. quantiles.
    1. Like the mean ,presenting the standard deviation often implicitly assumes a symmetric distribution .And it maybe misleading in skewed distribution .
    2. better use quartiles or higher quantiles to describe such an area.
    3. quantiles are robust against outliers and skew distributions ,


we can now perform 20 runs each with two different optimization algorithm on one problem and compute the median of one of the two perform measure .

if we say "A is better than B",we have a certain α to be wrong .The statement "A is better than B" makes only sense if we can geive an upper bound α for than error probability .

Compare two data samples A = (a1, a2, . . . ) and B = (b1, b2, . . . )andGet a result (e.g., “The median of A is bigger than the median of B”)together with an error probability p that the conclusion is wrong.If p is less than a significance level (upper bound) α, we can acceptthe conclusion.Otherwise, the observation is not significant.

