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#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

class Useless
    int n;          // number of elements
    char * pc;      // pointer to data
    static int ct;  // number of objects
    explicit Useless(int k);
    Useless(int k, char ch);
    Useless(const Useless & f); // regular copy constructor
    Useless(Useless && f);      // move constructor
    Useless operator+(const Useless & f)const;
    Useless & operator=(const Useless & f); // copy assignment
    Useless & operator=(Useless && f);      // move assignment 
    void ShowObject() const;
// implementation
int Useless::ct = 0;
    cout << "enter " << __func__ << "()\n";
    n = 0;
    pc = nullptr;
    cout << "leave " << __func__ << "()\n";
Useless::Useless(int k) : n(k)
    cout << "enter " << __func__ << "(k)\n";
    pc = new char[n];
    cout << "leave " << __func__ << "(k)\n";
Useless::Useless(int k, char ch) : n(k)
    cout << "enter " << __func__ << "(k, ch)\n";
    pc = new char[n];
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        pc[i] = ch;
    cout << "leave " << __func__ << "(k, ch)\n";
Useless::Useless(const Useless & f): n(f.n) 
    cout << "enter " << __func__ << "(const &)\n";
    pc = new char[n];
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        pc[i] = f.pc[i];
    cout << "leave " << __func__ << "(const &)\n";
Useless::Useless(Useless && f): n(f.n) 
    cout << "enter " << __func__ << "(&&)\n";
    pc = f.pc;       // steal address
    f.pc = nullptr;  // give old object nothing in return
    f.n = 0;
    cout << "leave " << __func__ << "(&&)\n";
    cout << "enter " << __func__ << "()\n";
    delete [] pc;
    cout << "leave " << __func__ << "()\n";
Useless & Useless::operator=(const Useless & f)  // copy assignment
    cout << "enter " << __func__ << "(const &)\n";
    if (this == &f)
        return *this;
    delete [] pc;
    n = f.n;
    pc = new char[n];
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        pc[i] = f.pc[i];
    cout << "leave " << __func__ << "(const &)\n";
    return *this;
Useless & Useless::operator=(Useless && f)       // move assignment
    cout << "enter " << __func__ << "(&&)\n";
    if (this == &f)
        return *this;
    delete [] pc;
    n = f.n;
    pc = f.pc;
    f.n = 0;
    f.pc = nullptr;
    cout << "leave " << __func__ << "(&&)\n";
    return *this;
Useless Useless::operator+(const Useless & f)const
    cout << "enter " << __func__ << "(const &)\n";
    Useless temp = Useless(n + f.n);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        temp.pc[i] = pc[i];
    for (int i = n; i < temp.n; i++)
        temp.pc[i] = f.pc[i - n];
    cout << "\t temp: ";
    cout << "leave " << __func__ << "(const &)\n";
    return temp;
void Useless::ShowObject() const
    cout << "\t this=" << this << ", ct=" << ct; 
    cout << ", pc=(" << n << ", " << (void*)pc << ", "; 
    if (n == 0)
        cout << "(object empty)";
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            cout << pc[i];
    cout << endl;
// application
int main()
    Useless one(10, ‘x‘);
    Useless two = one + one;   // calls move constructor
    cout << "object one:\n";
    cout << "object two:\n";
    Useless three, four;
    cout << "three = one\n";
    three = one;              // automatic copy assignment
    cout << "now object three:\n";
    cout << "and object one:\n";
    cout << "four = one + two\n";
    four = one + two;         // automatic move assignment
    cout << "now object four:\n";
    cout << "four = move(one)\n";
    four = std::move(one);    // forced move assignment
    cout << "now object four:\n";
    cout << "and object one:\n";


enter Useless(k, ch)
         this=0x7fffb5ade0f0, ct=1, pc=(10, 0x23f7010, xxxxxxxxxx
leave Useless(k, ch)
enter operator+(const &)
         this=0x7fffb5ade0f0, ct=1, pc=(10, 0x23f7010, xxxxxxxxxx
         this=0x7fffb5ade0f0, ct=1, pc=(10, 0x23f7010, xxxxxxxxxx
enter Useless(k)
         this=0x7fffb5ade100, ct=2, pc=(20, 0x23f7030,
leave Useless(k)
         temp:   this=0x7fffb5ade100, ct=2, pc=(20, 0x23f7030, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
leave operator+(const &)
object one:
         this=0x7fffb5ade0f0, ct=2, pc=(10, 0x23f7010, xxxxxxxxxx
object two:
         this=0x7fffb5ade100, ct=2, pc=(20, 0x23f7030, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
         //"Useless two = one +one;"
         //首先调用"operator+(const &)",在这个函数内调用"Useless(k)"生成temp对象。
         //当前gcc版本是g++ (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04) 4.8.4,对编译过程做了改进,直接把temp对象和two对象当成一个对象,省去了后面四步。

enter Useless()
         this=0x7fffb5ade110, ct=3, pc=(0, 0, (object empty)
leave Useless()
enter Useless()
         this=0x7fffb5ade120, ct=4, pc=(0, 0, (object empty)
leave Useless()
three = one
enter operator=(const &)
         this=0x7fffb5ade110, ct=4, pc=(0, 0, (object empty)
         this=0x7fffb5ade0f0, ct=4, pc=(10, 0x23f7010, xxxxxxxxxx
         this=0x7fffb5ade110, ct=4, pc=(10, 0x23f7050, xxxxxxxxxx
         this=0x7fffb5ade0f0, ct=4, pc=(10, 0x23f7010, xxxxxxxxxx
leave operator=(const &)
now object three:
         this=0x7fffb5ade110, ct=4, pc=(10, 0x23f7050, xxxxxxxxxx
and object one:
         this=0x7fffb5ade0f0, ct=4, pc=(10, 0x23f7010, xxxxxxxxxx
four = one + two
enter operator+(const &)
         this=0x7fffb5ade0f0, ct=4, pc=(10, 0x23f7010, xxxxxxxxxx
         this=0x7fffb5ade100, ct=4, pc=(20, 0x23f7030, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
enter Useless(k)
         this=0x7fffb5ade130, ct=5, pc=(30, 0x23f7070,
leave Useless(k)
         temp:   this=0x7fffb5ade130, ct=5, pc=(30, 0x23f7070, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
leave operator+(const &)
//"four = one + two"首先调用"operator+(const &)"函数。在这个函数内生成temp对象。
//在返回"operator+(const &)"函数后,并没有生成一个临时匿名对象,也没有析构temp对象,而是直接以temp做参数调用移动拷贝函数"operator=(&&)"。

enter operator=(&&)
         this=0x7fffb5ade120, ct=5, pc=(0, 0, (object empty)
         this=0x7fffb5ade130, ct=5, pc=(30, 0x23f7070, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
         this=0x7fffb5ade120, ct=5, pc=(30, 0x23f7070, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
         this=0x7fffb5ade130, ct=5, pc=(0, 0, (object empty)
leave operator=(&&)
enter ~Useless()
         this=0x7fffb5ade130, ct=5, pc=(0, 0, (object empty)
leave ~Useless()
now object four:
         this=0x7fffb5ade120, ct=4, pc=(30, 0x23f7070, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
four = move(one)
//"four = std::move(one);"强行调用移动赋值函数"operator=(&&)"。

enter operator=(&&)
         this=0x7fffb5ade120, ct=4, pc=(30, 0x23f7070, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
         this=0x7fffb5ade0f0, ct=4, pc=(10, 0x23f7010, xxxxxxxxxx
         this=0x7fffb5ade120, ct=4, pc=(10, 0x23f7010, xxxxxxxxxx
         this=0x7fffb5ade0f0, ct=4, pc=(0, 0, (object empty)
leave operator=(&&)
now object four:
         this=0x7fffb5ade120, ct=4, pc=(10, 0x23f7010, xxxxxxxxxx
and object one:
         this=0x7fffb5ade0f0, ct=4, pc=(0, 0, (object empty)

enter ~Useless()
         this=0x7fffb5ade120, ct=4, pc=(10, 0x23f7010, xxxxxxxxxx
leave ~Useless()
enter ~Useless()
         this=0x7fffb5ade110, ct=3, pc=(10, 0x23f7050, xxxxxxxxxx
leave ~Useless()
enter ~Useless()
         this=0x7fffb5ade100, ct=2, pc=(20, 0x23f7030, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
leave ~Useless()
enter ~Useless()
         this=0x7fffb5ade0f0, ct=1, pc=(0, 0, (object empty)
leave ~Useless()

本文出自 “用C++写诗” 博客,谢绝转载!
