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using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Threading;using System.Diagnostics;using System.IO;namespace WaitOneTest{    class Program    {        static void Main(string[] args)        {            Program p = new Program();            Console.ReadLine();        }        private HashSet<string> m_sAllWork; // 所有工作        private Queue<string> m_qWaiting; // 等待队列        private AutoResetEvent m_WorkingEvent = null; // 工作事件        private AutoResetEvent m_ResumeEvent = null; // 继续事件        private Thread m_MonitorThread = null; // 监控线程        private Thread m_WorkingThread = null; // 工作线程        private Thread m_PatrolThread = null; // 巡逻线程        public Program()        {            Console.WriteLine("Program starting.");            m_sAllWork = new HashSet<string>();            m_qWaiting = new Queue<string>();            m_WorkingEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);            m_ResumeEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);            m_MonitorThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DoMonitor));            m_WorkingThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DoWork));            m_PatrolThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DoPatrol));            m_MonitorThread.Start();            m_WorkingThread.Start();            m_PatrolThread.Start();            m_WorkingThread.Join();            Console.WriteLine("Program ending.");        }        private void DoWork()        {            Console.WriteLine("Work starting.");            try            {                do                {                    m_WorkingEvent.Set();                    string filename = null;                    try                    {                        lock (m_qWaiting)                        {                            filename = m_qWaiting.Dequeue();                        }                    }                    catch (InvalidOperationException)                    {                        Console.WriteLine("Queue is empty now.");                        m_ResumeEvent.WaitOne(2000); // 空闲时间(该值要小于巡逻周期值)                        continue;                    }                    catch (Exception e)                    {                        Console.WriteLine("Thread - caught Exception - " + e.Message);                    }                    Console.WriteLine("Do work. - " + filename);                    try                    {                        Thread.Sleep(new Random().Next(1000, 5000));                    }                    catch (ThreadAbortException)                    {                        Console.WriteLine("Thread - caught ThreadAbortException - resetting.");                        lock (m_qWaiting)                        {                            m_qWaiting.Enqueue(filename); // 失败的文件加回队列末尾                        }                        Thread.ResetAbort(); // 取消中断                        Thread.Sleep(100); // 睡眠100毫秒,允许外部通过调用Interrupt退出线程。                    }                    catch (Exception e)                    {                        Console.WriteLine("Thread - caught Exception - " + e.Message);                        lock (m_qWaiting)                        {                            m_qWaiting.Enqueue(filename); // 失败的文件加回队列末尾                        }                    }                } while (true);            }            catch (Exception e)            {                Console.WriteLine("Thread - caught Exception - " + e.Message);            }            Console.WriteLine("Work ending.");        }        private void DoPatrol()        {            Console.WriteLine("Patrol starting.");            try            {                do                {                    Console.WriteLine("Wait for work method to signal.");                    // Wait for work method to signal.                    if (m_WorkingEvent.WaitOne(4000)) // 巡逻周期                    {                        Console.WriteLine("Work method signaled.");                    }                    else                    {                        Console.WriteLine("Timed out waiting for work method to signal.");                        m_WorkingThread.Abort(); // 中断工作任务(工作线程被卡住,需要中断来恢复,工作线程中通过抓捕相应异常类型进行处理)                    }                } while (true);            }            catch (Exception e)            {                Console.WriteLine("Thread - caught Exception - " + e.Message);            }            Console.WriteLine("Patrol ending.");        }        private void DoMonitor()        {            Console.WriteLine("Monitor starting.");            try            {                lock (m_qWaiting)                {                    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)                    {                        if (!m_sAllWork.Contains(i.ToString()))                        {                            m_sAllWork.Add(i.ToString());                            m_qWaiting.Enqueue(i.ToString());                        }                    }                    if (m_qWaiting.Count > 0)                        m_ResumeEvent.Set();  // 恢复工作线程(因为工作线程可能处于空闲等待)                }                do                {                    // 随机时间内产生一个工作任务                    Thread.Sleep(new Random().Next(1000, 60000));                    int i = new Random().Next(1, 1000);                    if (!m_sAllWork.Contains(i.ToString()))                    {                        m_sAllWork.Add(i.ToString());                        m_qWaiting.Enqueue(i.ToString());                        m_ResumeEvent.Set(); // 恢复工作线程(因为工作线程可能处于空闲等待)                    }                } while (true);            }            catch (Exception e)            {                Console.WriteLine("Thread - caught Exception - " + e.Message);            }            Console.WriteLine("Monitor ending.");        }    }}

