首页 > 代码库 > 数据类型示例和当天的作用讲解


一 数据类型示例



# f=1.3


# print(type(n))

# print(type(f))


# print(1.3e-3)

# print(1.3e3)




# print(bin(10))


# print(oct(10))

# # 0-9 a b c d e f

# print(hex(10))





# 1.只能存放一个值


# 2.一经定义,不可更改


# 3.直接访问

# x=10123123123

# print(id(x))

# x=11

# print(id(11))







移除空白 msg.strip()



索引msg[3] msg[-1]

切片msg[0:5:2]  #0  2  4





# s=‘hello world‘

# s1="hello world"

# s2="""hello world"""

# s3=‘‘‘hello world‘‘‘

# print(type(s))

# print(type(s1))

# print(type(s2))

# print(type(s3))





# x=x.strip()

# print(x)

# print(x.strip(‘*‘))



# x=‘hello‘

# print(x.capitalize())



# x=‘hello‘

# print(x.upper())


# #居中显示

# x=‘hello‘

# print(x.center(30,‘#‘))



# x=‘hel lo love‘

# print(x.count(‘l‘))

# print(x.count(‘l‘,0,4)) # 0 1 2 3




# x=‘hello ‘

# print(x.endswith(‘ ‘))

# print(x.startswith())


# x=‘hello ‘

# print(x.find(‘e‘))

# print(x.find(‘l‘))



# msg=‘Name:{},age:{},sex:{}‘

# print(msg) #Name:{},age:{},sex:{}

# print(msg.format(‘egon‘,18,‘male‘))



# msg=‘Name:{0},age:{1},sex:{0}‘

# print(msg.format(‘aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa‘,‘bbbbbbbbbbbbbb‘))




# msg=‘Name:{x},age:{y},sex:{z}‘

# print(msg.format(y=18,x=‘egon‘,z=‘male‘))




x=‘hello world‘

# print(x[0])

# print(x[4])

# print(x[5])

# print(x[100]) #报错


# print(x[-1])

# print(x[-3])

# print(x[1:3])

# print(x[1:5:2])



# x=‘hello‘

# print(x.index(‘o‘))

# print(x[4])

# print(x[x.index(‘o‘)])


# x=‘123‘

# print(x.isdigit())


# age=input(‘age: ‘)

# if age.isdigit():

#     new_age=int(age)

#     print(new_age,type(new_age))




msg=‘hello alex‘

# print(msg.replace(‘x‘,‘X‘))

# print(msg.replace(‘alex‘,‘SB‘))

# print(msg.replace(‘l‘,‘A‘))

# print(msg.replace(‘l‘,‘A‘,1))

# print(msg.replace(‘l‘,‘A‘,2))




# x=‘a‘ #x=str(‘a‘)

# str.replace()



# x=‘hello          world alex SB‘

# x=‘root:x:0:0::/root:/bin/bash‘

# print(x.split(‘:‘))






# x=‘hello‘

# # print(x.upper())

# x=‘H‘

# print(x.isupper())


# print(x.islower())

# print(x.lower())



x=‘     ‘

# print(x.isspace())




# print(msg.istitle())



# x=‘abc‘

# print(x.ljust(10,‘*‘))

# print(x.rjust(10,‘*‘))


# x=‘Ab‘

# print(x.swapcase())


# x=‘hello‘

# print(x.title())




二 作业讲解

使用while循环输出1 2 3 4 5 6     8 9 10

# count=1

# while count < 11:

#     if count == 7:

#         count+=1

#         continue

#     print(count)

#     count+=1



# count=1

# while count < 11:

#     if count != 7:

#         print(count)

#     count+=1





# count=1

# res=0

# while count <= 100:

#     res+=count

#     count+=1

# print(res)


# res=0

# for i in range(1,101):

#     res+=i

# print(res)



# count=1

# while count <= 100:

#     if count % 2 == 0:

#         print(count)

#     count+=1


# count=1

# res=0

# while count <= 4:

#     if count % 2 ==0:

#         res-=count

#     else:

#         res+=count

#     count+=1


# print(res)




# count=1

# while count <= 3:

#     u=input(‘u>>: ‘)

#     p=input(‘p>>: ‘)

#     if u == ‘egon‘ and p == ‘123‘:

#         print(‘login ok‘)

#         break

#     count+=1






while True:

    if count == 3:

        print(‘try too many times‘)


    u=input(‘u>>: ‘)

    p=input(‘p>>: ‘)

    if u == ‘egon‘ and p == ‘123‘:

        print(‘login ok‘)



