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C# for Beginner

session 1 Introduction

The struct of C# program:

namespace , class and Main method

what is namespace?

the namespace declaration, using System, indicates that you are using the System namespace.

A namespace is used to organize your code and is collection of classes, interfaces, structs,enums and delegates.

Main method is the entry point into your application

session 2 Reading and writing to a console

Reading from the console and Writing to the console

2 ways to write to console

a) Concatenation

b) Place holder syntax -Most Preffered

C# is case sensitive 

session 3  Built - in types

Boolean type --Only true or false

Integral Types --sbyte,byte,short,ushort,int,uint,long,ulong,char. how to know Integral Types Value? using MinValue and MaxValue property

Floating Types--float and double

Decimal Types

String Type

session 4 String type in c#

talk about escape \n,\‘,\" and etc. sometimes using @ to not escape

session 5 Common Operators in c#

Assignment operator =

Arithmetic operator +,-,*,/,%

Comparison operator like == , != , > , >= , < <=

Conditional operator like && , ||

Ternary operator ?:

Null coalescing operator ?? 

C# for Beginner