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  1 //HelloWorld.cpp  2   3 /*  4 Copyright 2000-2004 The VCF Project.  5 Please see License.txt in the top level directory  6 where you installed the VCF.  7 */  8   9  10 /** 11 *A hello world application 12 *This demonstrates the simplest 13 *code possible to create a running app 14 *and display a window with the text 15 *"Hello World" in it‘s caption bar. 16 */ 17  18  19 /** 20 *include the ApplicationKit.h 21 *this has all the core files you‘ll need to get started. 22 *In general, you‘ll probably want to make this 23 *the first header you include within your .cpp files 24 */ 25  26  27 #include "vcf/ApplicationKit/ApplicationKit.h" 28  29  30 /** 31 *use the VCF namespace to make it more convenient 32 *to refer to VCF classes 33 */ 34 using namespace VCF; 35  36  37 class HelloWorldApp : public Application { 38 public: 39     HelloWorldApp( int argc, char** argv ): Application(argc, argv) { 40  41     } 42  43     virtual bool initRunningApplication() { 44         Application::initRunningApplication(); 45  46         /** 47         *create the main Window here. 48         *Note that is on the heap, not the stack. 49         *The application will clean it up for you, 50         *so do NOT make this a stack based object 51         */ 52         Window* mainWindow = new Window(); 53  54         /** 55         *set the Application‘s main window. 56         *Failure to do this will prevent the Application 57         *of being notified to close correctly, and it will not 58         *be able to free up the heap based memory for the 59         *Window object. 60         *In the VCF there is always a main window for GUI based 61         *applications, which can be a Dialog or a Window object. 62         *When this main window closes, the app shuts down as well. 63         */ 64         setMainWindow( mainWindow ); 65  66  67         /** 68         *Set the caption of the main window. Setting the caption 69         *cause the text passed in to the method to appear on 70         *the window frame‘s caption bar. 71         */ 72         mainWindow->setCaption( "Hello World" ); 73  74         /** 75         *show the main window. 76         *By default the window is invisible until 77         *either show() or setVisible(true) is called. 78         *We could have called mainWindow->setVisible(true) 79         *and it would have worked as well. 80         */ 81         mainWindow->show(); 82  83         return true; 84     } 85  86 }; 87  88  89 /** 90 here‘s the heart of the program, in good old main. 91 yes this will work on Windows without displaying any 92 console 93 */ 94 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 95 { 96     /** 97     create an instance of the HelloWorldApp class 98     on the heap - DO NOT create it on the stack or 99     you will get a crash whn you close you application.100     This will be the only instance of this class in the process.101     */102     Application* app = new HelloWorldApp( argc, argv );103 104     /**105     hand off the command line to the static appMain() call106     which in turn begins the main application loop.107     */108 109     Application::main();110 111     return 0;112 113 114 }115 116 117 /**118 $Id: HelloWorld.cpp 2647 2006-04-28 16:42:38Z kdmix $119 */

