首页 > 代码库 > Odoo(OpenERP)配置文件详解


; addons模块的查找路径  
addons_path = E:\GreenOdoo8.0\source\openerp\addons  
; 管理员主控密码(用于创建、还原和备份数据库等操作)  
admin_passwd = admin  
; 自动重载?  
auto_reload = None  
; 用于导入导出的csv文件的默认分隔符  
csv_internal_sep = ,  
; data目录, 用于存放session信息、附件  
data_dir = data  
; 数据库主机名  
db_host =  
; 数据库的最大连接数  
db_maxconn = 64  
; 指定要使用的数据库名  
db_name = False  
; 数据库用户密码  
db_password = openerp  
; 数据库端口号  
db_port = 65432  
; 创建新数据库时使用的数据库模板  
db_template = template1  
; 数据库用户名  
db_user = openerp  
; 过滤要显示的数据库名称  
dbfilter = .*  
; 是否为调试模式  
debug_mode = False  
; 哪些模块加载demo数据?  
demo = {}  
; 用于发送邮件的邮箱地址  
email_from = False  
; 在导入大量数据时使用这个选项, 如果在导入期间程序宕机, 你可以在当前状态下继续。指定一个存储中间导入状态的文件名。  
import_partial =   
; 一个处理器允许使用的最大物理内存  
limit_memory_hard = None  
; 一个处理器允许使用的最大虚拟内存  
limit_memory_soft = None  
; 一个处理器接受的最大请求数  
limit_request = None  
; 一个请求最多占用多少处理器时间  
limit_time_cpu = None  
; 一个请求允许的最长实时时间  
limit_time_real = None  
; 是否允许显示数据库列表  
list_db = True  
; 是否将log写入db的ir_logging表  
log_db = False  
; 可以是一组module:log_level对, 默认值是:INFO(表示所有模块的默认日志级别为INFO级别)  
log_handler = :INFO  
; 日志的级别, 可选值包括debug_rpc_answer, debug_rpc, debug, debug_sql, info, warn, error, critical  
log_level = info  
; 指定用来存储日志的文件  
logfile = openerp-server.log  
; 是否按天存放日志  
logrotate = False  
; 长连接池使用的端口号?  
longpolling_port = 8072  
; 处理当前计划任务的最大线程数  
max_cron_threads = 2  
; 强制保存在virtual osv_memory表中的记录的最长时间,以小时为单位  
osv_memory_age_limit = 1.0  
; 强制一个virtual osv_memory表的最大记录数  
osv_memory_count_limit = False  
; 数据库可执行文件的路径  
pg_path = runtime/pgsql/bin  
; 存储服务器pid的文件名  
pidfile = None  
; 是否使用反向代理模式  
proxy_mode = False  
; 是否压缩报表  
reportgz = False  
; 指定用于SSL连接的证书文件  
secure_cert_file = server.cert  
; 指定用于SSL连接的主密钥文件  
secure_pkey_file = server.pkey  
; server范围的模块,以逗号分隔  
server_wide_modules = None  
; 发送邮件的SMTP用户密码  
smtp_password = False  
; SMTP端口号  
smtp_port = 25  
; SMTP服务器名  
smtp_server = localhost  
; SMTP服务器是否支持SSL协议  
smtp_ssl = False  
; 发送邮件的SMTP用户名  
smtp_user = False  
; 是否把日志发送给系统日志服务器  
syslog = False  
; 是否提交YAML或XML测试造成的数据库更改  
test_commit = False  
; 是否允许YAML和单元测试  
test_enable = False  
; YML测试文件  
test_file = False  
; 报表的范例的存放位置  
test_report_directory = False  
; 为系统提供一个参照的时区  
timezone = False  
; 哪些模块可翻译, 默认为all  
translate_modules = [‘all‘]  
; 是否使用数据库的unaccent功能  
unaccent = False  
; 在安装时哪些模块不加载演示数据  
without_demo = False  
; 要使用的处理器数量  
workers = None  
; 是否禁止使用XML-RPC协议  
xmlrpc = True  
; 指定使用XML-RPC协议的IP地址,为空时表示绑定到现有IP  
xmlrpc_interface =   
; XML-RPC协议使用的TCP端口  
xmlrpc_port = 8069  
; 是否禁止使用XML-RPC安全协议  
xmlrpcs = True  
; 指定使用XML-RPC安全协议的IP地址,为空时表示绑定到现有IP  
xmlrpcs_interface =   
; XML-RPC安全协议使用的TCP端口  
xmlrpcs_port = 8071  


openerp-server.conf for OpenERP 7 explained  
ubuntu中OE的配置文件默认在目录: /etc/openerp  
Here are the options that you can use in your openerp-server.conf file to tweak your OpenERP 7 installation.  
In one of my previous posts Install OpenERP 7.0 from trunk I’ve written how to start your server with a start scrip just changing the ports and all other default settings. You can also start your server with a specified config file with -c command.  
./server/openerp-server -c /path/to/openerp-server.conf  
Here is the config file spitted  into parts for easy understanding.  
Server startup config – Common options  
# Admin password for creating, restoring and backing up databases  
admin_passwd = admin  
# default CSV separator for import and export  
csv_internal_sep = ,  
# to compress reports  
reportgz = False  
# disable loading demo data for modules to be installed (comma-separated, use "all" for all modules)  
without_demo = False  
# Use this for big data importation, if it crashes you will be able to continue at the current state. Provide a filename to store intermediate importation states.  
import_partial =   
# file where the server pid will be stored  
pidfile = None  
# specify additional addons paths (separated by commas)  
addons_path = /full/path/to/addons  
# Comma-separated list of server-wide modules default=web  
server_wide_modules = None  
XML-RPC / HTTP – XML-RPC Configuration  
# disable the XML-RPC protocol  
xmlrpc = True  
# Specify the TCP IP address for the XML-RPC protocol. The empty string binds to all interfaces.  
xmlrpc_interface =   
# specify the TCP port for the XML-RPC protocol  
xmlrpc_port = 8069  
# Enable correct behavior when behind a reverse proxy  
proxy_mode = False  
XML-RPC / HTTPS – XML-RPC Secure Configuration  
# disable the XML-RPC Secure protocol  
xmlrpcs = True  
# Specify the TCP IP address for the XML-RPC Secure protocol. The empty string binds to all interfaces.  
xmlrpcs_interface =   
# specify the TCP port for the XML-RPC Secure protocol  
xmlrpcs_port = 8071  
# specify the certificate file for the SSL connection  
secure_cert_file = server.cert  
# specify the private key file for the SSL connection  
secure_pkey_file = server.pkey  
NET-RPC – NET-RPC Configuration  
# enable the NETRPC protocol  
netrpc = False  
# specify the TCP IP address for the NETRPC protocol  
netrpc_interface =   
# specify the TCP port for the NETRPC protocol  
netrpc_port = 8070  
WEB – Web interface Configuration  
# Filter listed database REGEXP  
dbfilter = .*  
Static HTTP – Static HTTP service  
# enable static HTTP service for serving plain HTML files  
static_http_enable = False   
# specify the directory containing your static HTML files (e.g ‘/var/www/‘)  
static_http_document_root = None  
# specify the URL root prefix where you want web browsers to access your static HTML files (e.g ‘/‘)  
static_http_url_prefix = None  
Testing Group – Testing Configuration  
# Launch a YML test file.  
test_file = False  
# If set, will save sample of all reports in this directory.  
test_report_directory = False  
# Enable YAML and unit tests.  
test_enable = False  
# Commit database changes performed by YAML or XML tests.  
test_commit = False  
Logging Group – Logging Configuration  
# file where the server log will be stored  
logfile = None  
# do not rotate the logfile  
logrotate = True  
# Send the log to the syslog server  
syslog = False  
# setup a handler at LEVEL for a given PREFIX. An empty PREFIX indicates the root logger. This option can be repeated. Example: "openerp.ormEBUG" or "werkzeug:CRITICAL" (default: ":INFO")  
log_handler = [‘:INFO‘]  
# specify the level of the logging. Accepted values: info, debug_rpc, warn, test, critical, debug_sql, error, debug, debug_rpc_answer, notset  
log_level = info  
SMTP Group – SMTP Configuration  
# specify the SMTP email address for sending email  
email_from = False   
# specify the SMTP server for sending email  
smtp_server = localhost   
# specify the SMTP port  
smtp_port = 25   
# specify the SMTP server support SSL or not  
smtp_ssl = False   
# specify the SMTP username for sending email  
smtp_user = False  
# specify the SMTP password for sending email  
smtp_password = False  
Database related options  
# specify the database name  
db_name = False  
# specify the database user name  
db_user = openerp  
# specify the database password  
db_password = False  
# specify the pg executable path  
pg_path = None  
# specify the database host  
db_host = False  
# specify the database port  
db_port = False  
# specify the the maximum number of physical connections to posgresql  
db_maxconn = 64  
# specify a custom database template to create a new database  
db_template = template1  
Internationalisation options  
translate_modules = [‘all‘]  
Security-related options  
# disable the ability to return the list of databases  
list_db = True  
Advanced options – Advanced options  
# enable debug mode  
debug_mode = False  
# specify reference timezone for the server (e.g. Europe/Brussels")  
timezone = False  
# Force a limit on the maximum number of records kept in the virtual osv_memory tables. The default is False, which means no count-based limit.   
osv_memory_count_limit = False   
# Force a limit on the maximum age of records kept in the virtual osv_memory tables. This is a decimal value expressed in hours, and the default is 1 hour.  
osv_memory_age_limit = 1.0   
# Maximum number of threads processing concurrently cron jobs (default 2)  
max_cron_threads = 2  
# Use the unaccent function provided by the database when available.  
unaccent = False  
Multiprocessing options  
# Specify the number of workers, 0 disable prefork mode.  
workers = 0  
# Maximum allowed virtual memory per worker, when reached the worker be reset after the current request (default 671088640 aka 640MB)  
limit_memory_soft = 671088640  
# Maximum allowed virtual memory per worker, when reached, any memory allocation will fail (default 805306368 aka 768MB)  
limit_memory_hard = 805306368  
# Maximum allowed CPU time per request (default 60)  
limit_time_cpu = 60  
# Maximum allowed Real time per request (default 120)  
limit_time_real = 120  
# Maximum number of request to be processed per worker (default 8192)  
limit_request = 8192  
There are few more options that you can find in this file  
vi server/openerp/tools/config.py  

