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<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>    <meta charset="utf-8">    <title></title>    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../app-min.css"></head><body>    <script src="../../jquery/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>    <script src="../underscore.js"></script>    <script src="../backbone.js"></script>    <script>        var Man = Backbone.Model.extend({            url: /man/,            initialize: function() {                console.log(initialize)                // 初始化时绑定监听                this.bind(change:name, function() {                    var name = this.get(name)                    console.log(you changed name to  + name)                })                this.bind(invalid, function(model, error) {                    console.log(error)                })                this.bind(error, function(model, error) {                    console.log(error)                })            },            defaults: {                name: name,                age: age            },            validate: function(attributes) {                if (attributes.name == ‘‘) {                    return name不能为空                }            },            aboutMe: function() {                return wo jiao  + this.get(name)            }        })        var man = new Man        console.log(man.get(name))        man.set({name: ‘‘})        console.log(man.get(name))        console.log(man.aboutMe())        // 调用save方法时会post对象的所有属性到server端        // 调用fetch方法是又会发送get请求到server端        // 接受数据和发送数据均为json格式        man.save() // save时触发验证。根据验证规则,弹出错误提示        //man.fetch()        //man.fetch({url:‘/man/‘})        man.fetch({            url: /man/,            success: function(model, response) {                // model 为获取到的数据                console.log(model.get(name))            },            error: function() {                console.log(error)            }        })        // 你设置了urlRoot之后,你发送PUT和DELETE请求的时候,其请求的url地址就是:/baseurl/[model.id]    </script>    <article class="content">        <pre>var Man = Backbone.Model.extend({    url: ‘/man/‘,    initialize: function() {        console.log(‘initialize‘)        // 初始化时绑定监听        this.bind(‘change:name‘, function() {            var name = this.get(‘name‘)            console.log(‘you changed name to ‘ + name)        })        this.bind(‘invalid‘, function(model, error) {            console.log(error)        })        this.bind(‘error‘, function(model, error) {            console.log(error)        })    },    defaults: {        name: ‘name‘,        age: ‘age‘    },    validate: function(attributes) {        if (attributes.name == ‘‘) {            return ‘name不能为空‘        }    },    aboutMe: function() {        return ‘wo jiao ‘ + this.get(‘name‘)    }    })    var man = new Man    console.log(man.get(‘name‘))    man.set({name: ‘‘})    console.log(man.get(‘name‘))    console.log(man.aboutMe())    // 调用save方法时会post对象的所有属性到server端    // 调用fetch方法是又会发送get请求到server端    // 接受数据和发送数据均为json格式    man.save() // save时触发验证。根据验证规则,弹出错误提示    //man.fetch()    //man.fetch({url:‘/man/‘})    man.fetch({    url: ‘/man/‘,    success: function(model, response) {        // model 为获取到的数据        console.log(model.get(‘name‘))    },    error: function() {        console.log(‘error‘)    }})// 你设置了urlRoot之后,你发送PUT和DELETE请求的时候,其请求的url地址就是:/baseurl/[model.id]</pre>        </article></body></html>

