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 1 //Processes.cpp 2  3 /* 4 Copyright 2000-2004 The VCF Project. 5 Please see License.txt in the top level directory 6 where you installed the VCF. 7 */ 8  9 10 #include "vcf/FoundationKit/FoundationKit.h"11 12 /**13 A brief example demonstrating how the Process class works14 */15 using namespace VCF;16 17 18 19 /**20 This will demonstrate how to create a process21 */22 void example1()23 {24     //create a process object25     Process p1;26 27     //create a process28 29 #if defined(VCF_WIN)30     p1.createProcess( "XCOPY", "/?" );31 #elif defined(VCF_POSIX)32     p1.createProcess( "ls", "--help" );33 #endif34 35 }36 37 38 int main( int argc, char** argv ){39 40     FoundationKit::init( argc, argv );41 42     example1();43 44 45     FoundationKit::terminate();46     return 0;47 }48 49 50 /**51 $Id: Processes.cpp 2755 2006-06-11 15:35:27Z kdmix $52 */

