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  1 //ImageViewer.cpp  2   3 /*  4 Copyright 2000-2004 The VCF Project.  5 Please see License.txt in the top level directory  6 where you installed the VCF.  7 */  8   9  10 #include "vcf/ApplicationKit/ApplicationKit.h" 11 #include "vcf/ApplicationKit/ControlsKit.h" 12 #include "vcf/ApplicationKit/EtchedBorder.h" 13  14 using namespace VCF; 15  16  17 class ImageViewerWindow : public Window { 18 public: 19     ImageViewerWindow() : currentImage_(NULL){ 20         setCaption( "ImageViewer" ); 21  22         //lets create a menu 23  24         //create the menu bar - this will hold the menu items 25         MenuBar* menuBar = new MenuBar(); 26  27         //set the window‘s menu bar 28         setMenuBar( menuBar ); 29  30         //add the menu to this window‘s components 31         addComponent( menuBar ); 32  33         /** 34         create menu items, first arguemtn is the menu item name, 35         then the parent, 36         then the owning menu bar 37         */ 38         MenuItem* fileMenu = new DefaultMenuItem( "File", menuBar->getRootMenuItem(), menuBar ); 39         MenuItem* fileOpenImageMenu = new DefaultMenuItem( "Open Image...", fileMenu, menuBar ); 40  41         //add our event handler to the menu item 42         fileOpenImageMenu->MenuItemClicked += 43             new ClassProcedure1<MenuItemEvent*,ImageViewerWindow>( this,&ImageViewerWindow::openImage, "ImageViewerWindow::openImage" ); 44  45  46  47         //set the border of the window, this will give us a nice etched border 48         EtchedBorder* bdr = new EtchedBorder(); 49         bdr->setEdgeStyle( GraphicsContext::etSunken ); 50         setBorder( bdr ); 51  52     } 53  54     virtual ~ImageViewerWindow(){ 55         if ( NULL != currentImage_ ) { 56             delete currentImage_; 57         } 58     }; 59  60  61     virtual void paint( GraphicsContext* ctx ) { 62         Window::paint(ctx); 63  64         ctx->setClippingRect( &ctx->getViewableBounds() ); 65  66         Rect r = getClientBounds(); 67  68         if ( NULL != currentImage_ ) { 69             /** 70             if we have an image, draw it centered within the available client 71             rect 72             */ 73             Rect imageRect(0,0,currentImage_->getWidth(),currentImage_->getHeight()); 74  75             imageRect.offset( r.getWidth()/2 - imageRect.getWidth()/2, 76                                 r.getHeight()/2 - imageRect.getHeight()/2 ); 77  78             ctx->drawImageWithinBounds( &imageRect, currentImage_ ); 79         } 80     } 81  82     void openImage( MenuItemEvent* e ) { 83         CommonFileOpenDialog dlg( this ); 84  85         //get the available image loader extensions 86         std::vector< std::pair<String,String> > contentTypes; 87  88         /** 89         this will get a list of all current available types that 90         can currently be loaded by the VCF. The list is a series 91         of std::pair objects. the std::pair.first element is a string 92         that represents the file extension, and the std::pair.second 93         represents a string that is the mime type for the extension 94         */ 95         GraphicsToolkit::getAvailableImageTypes( contentTypes ); 96         std::vector< std::pair<String,String> >::iterator it = contentTypes.begin(); 97  98         /* 99         For each type, add a new filter to the dialog100         */101         while ( it != contentTypes.end() ) {102             std::pair<String,String>& type = *it;103 104             dlg.addFilter( type.second + " (*." + type.first + " )", "*." + type.first );105             it ++;106         }107 108 109         if ( dlg.execute() ) {110             if ( NULL != currentImage_ ) {111                 //delete our old image112                 delete currentImage_;113             }114 115             //create a new image from the file name116             currentImage_ = GraphicsToolkit::createImage( dlg.getFileName() );117             repaint(); //repaint ourselves to update the new image118         }119     }120 121     Image* currentImage_;122 };123 124 125 126 127 class ImageViewerApplication : public Application {128 public:129 130     ImageViewerApplication( int argc, char** argv ) : Application(argc, argv) {131 132     }133 134     virtual bool initRunningApplication(){135         bool result = Application::initRunningApplication();136 137         Window* mainWindow = new ImageViewerWindow();138         setMainWindow(mainWindow);139         mainWindow->setBounds( &Rect( 100.0, 100.0, 500.0, 500.0 ) );140         mainWindow->show();141 142         return result;143     }144 145 146 147 };148 149 150 int main(int argc, char *argv[])151 {152     Application* app = new ImageViewerApplication( argc, argv );153 154     Application::main();155 156     return 0;157 }158 159 160 /**161 $Id: ImageViewer.cpp 3175 2007-08-16 21:22:56Z ddiego $162 */

