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  1 //Splitters.cpp  2   3 /*  4 Copyright 2000-2004 The VCF Project.  5 Please see License.txt in the top level directory  6 where you installed the VCF.  7 */  8   9  10 #define USING_SPLITTER 11 #define NUM_OF_PANELS 5     // 1-6 12  13  14 #include "vcf/ApplicationKit/ApplicationKit.h" 15 #include "vcf/ApplicationKit/ControlsKit.h" 16  17 using namespace VCF; 18  19 class SplittersWindow; 20  21 class MyPanel : public Panel 22 { 23 public: 24     MyPanel( SplittersWindow* mainWnd ) { 25         mainWnd_ = mainWnd; 26         MouseClicked += new ClassProcedure1<ControlEvent*,MyPanel>(this, &MyPanel::onMouseClicked, "MyPanel::onMouseClicked" ); 27     } 28  29     SplittersWindow* getMainWindow() { 30         return mainWnd_; 31     } 32  33     void onm ouseClicked( ControlEvent* e ); 34  35 public: 36     SplittersWindow* mainWnd_; 37 }; 38  39 class SplittersWindow : public Window { 40 public: 41     SplittersWindow() { 42         clickedPanel_ = NULL; 43         panelVisible_ = true; 44  45         setCaption( "Splitters" ); 46  47         ControlSized += new ClassProcedure1<ControlEvent*,SplittersWindow>(this, &SplittersWindow::onResized, "SplittersWindow::onResized" ); 48         ControlPositioned += new ClassProcedure1<ControlEvent*,SplittersWindow>(this, &SplittersWindow::onPosChanged, "SplittersWindow::onPosChanged" ); 49  50         Panel* buttonsPanel = new Panel(); 51         buttonsPanel->setUseColorForBackground( true ); 52         buttonsPanel->setHeight( 30 ); 53         buttonsPanel->setColor( Color::getColor("lightyellow") ); 54         add( buttonsPanel, AlignTop ); 55  56  57         btnShow_ = new CommandButton(); 58         btnShow_->ButtonClicked += 59             new ClassProcedure1<ButtonEvent*,SplittersWindow>(this,&SplittersWindow::onBtnShow, "SplittersWindow::onBtnShow"); 60         btnShow_->setBounds( 120, 2, 100, btnShow_->getPreferredHeight() ); 61         btnShow_->setCaption( "Hide" ); 62         btnShow_->setToolTipText( "Hide/Show any selected panel" ); 63         buttonsPanel->add( btnShow_, AlignLeft ); 64  65         Label* label = NULL; 66         label = new Label(); 67         label->setWidth( 50 ); 68         label->setWordWrap( true ); 69         label->setCaption( "Click into a panel first and then press the Hide/Show button." ); 70         buttonsPanel->add( label, AlignClient ); 71  72         label = new Label(); 73         label->setHeight( 20 ); 74         label->setWordWrap( true ); 75         label->setCaption( "Drag a splitter to resize a panel - Try to DoubleClick on a splitter - Try then with the <Shift> key" ); 76         label->setColor( Color::getColor("blue") ); 77         add( label, AlignBottom ); 78  79  80  81         main_ = new Panel; 82         main_->setHeight( 25 ); 83         main_->setUseColorForBackground( true ); 84         main_->setColor( Color::getColor("brown") ); 85         main_->setToolTipText( "main: AlignClient, brown" ); 86         add( main_, AlignClient ); 87  88         panelLeft_ = new Panel; 89         panelLeft_->setUseColorForBackground( true ); 90         panelLeft_->setWidth( main_->getWidth()/2 ); 91         panelLeft_->setColor( Color::getColor("cyan") ); 92         panelLeft_->setToolTipText( "left: AlignLeft, cyan" ); 93         main_->add( panelLeft_, AlignLeft ); 94  95         panelRight_ = new Panel; 96         panelRight_->setUseColorForBackground( true ); 97         panelRight_->setWidth( main_->getWidth()/2 ); 98         panelRight_->setColor( Color::getColor("navy") ); 99         panelRight_->setToolTipText( "right: AlignRight, navy" );100         main_->add( panelRight_, AlignRight );101 102         addPanels( panelLeft_ , NUM_OF_PANELS, AlignLeft );103         addPanels( panelRight_, NUM_OF_PANELS, AlignTop );104     }105 106     void addPanels( Panel* panel, int num, AlignmentType alignment  )107     {108         panel->setContainer( new StandardContainer() );109 110         int n = maxVal<int>( minVal<int>( num, NUM_OF_PANELS ), 1 );111         int width = panel->getWidth() / n;112         int height = panel->getHeight() / n;113 114         std::vector< String > colors;115         colors.push_back( "red" );116         colors.push_back( "green" );117         colors.push_back( "blue" );118         colors.push_back( "violet" );119         colors.push_back( "yellow" );120         colors.push_back( "gold" );121 122         String alignments[6];123         alignments[AlignNone]        = "AlignNone";124         alignments[AlignTop]        = "AlignTop";125         alignments[AlignLeft]        = "AlignLeft";126         alignments[AlignRight]    = "AlignRight";127         alignments[AlignBottom] = "AlignBottom";128         alignments[AlignClient] = "AlignClient";129 130         String s, sTip;131         Splitter* splitter = NULL;132 133         for ( int i = 1; i <= n; i ++ ) {134             MyPanel* p = new MyPanel( this );135             p->setUseColorForBackground( true );136             p->setWidth( width );137             p->setHeight( height );138             p->setColor( Color::getColor( colors[i-1] ) );139             p->setBorder( NULL );140             s = Format( "panel%d" ) % i;141             p->setName( s );142             if ( i < n ) {143                 sTip = Format( "p%d: %s, %s" ) % i % alignments[alignment] % colors[i-1];144                 p->setToolTipText( sTip );145                 panel->add( p, alignment );146 147 #ifdef USING_SPLITTER148                 splitter = new Splitter( alignment );149                 s = Format( "splitter %d" ) % i;150                 splitter->setToolTipText( s );151                 splitter->setToolTipText( s );152                 splitter->setWidth( 5 );153                 splitter->setMinimumWidth( 35 );154                 splitter->setDblClickEnabled( true );155                 panel->add( splitter, alignment );156 #endif157             } else {158                 sTip = Format( "p%d: %s, %s" ) % i % alignments[AlignClient] % colors[i-1];159                 p->setToolTipText( sTip );160                 panel->add( p, AlignClient );161             }162         }163     }164 165     virtual ~SplittersWindow(){};166 167     void onBtnHide( ButtonEvent* e ) {168         int i = 1;169         String s = Format( "panel%d" ) % i;170         //Panel* panel = (Panel*)panelLeft_->findComponent( s );171         if ( NULL != clickedPanel_ ) {172             clickedPanel_->setVisible( false );173             int x = 0;174         }175     }176 177     void onBtnShow( ButtonEvent* e ) {178         //String s = Format( "panel%d" ) % i ;179         //Panel* panel = (Panel*)panelLeft_->findComponent( s );180         if ( NULL != clickedPanel_ ) {181             panelVisible_ = !panelVisible_;182             clickedPanel_->setVisible( panelVisible_ );183             if ( panelVisible_ ) {184                 clickedPanel_ = NULL;185                 btnShow_->setCaption( "Hide" );186             } else {187                 btnShow_->setCaption( "Show " + clickedPanel_->getName() );188             }189         } else {190             Dialog::showMessage( "Please, click on a window first." );191         }192     }193 194     void setClickedPanel( Panel* panel ) {195         if ( panelVisible_ ) {196             clickedPanel_ = panel;197         } else {198             Dialog::showMessage( "Please, press the show/hide button first" );199         }200     }201 /*202     virtual void resizeChildren( Control* control ) {203         Window::resizeChildren( control );204     }205 */206     void onResized( ControlEvent*e ) {207 208         double w = main_->getWidth()/2;209         StringUtils::trace( Format("w: %0.2f\n") % w );210 211         panelLeft_->setWidth( w );212 213         panelRight_->setWidth( w );214     }215 216     void onPosChanged( ControlEvent*e ) {217 218     }219 220 public:221     Panel* main_;222     Panel* panelLeft_;223     Panel* panelRight_;224     Panel* clickedPanel_;225     bool panelVisible_;226     CommandButton* btnShow_;227 };228 229 void MyPanel::onMouseClicked( ControlEvent* e ) {230     //Panel* panel = (Panel*)e->getSource();231     getMainWindow()->setClickedPanel( this );232     getMainWindow()->btnShow_->setCaption( "Hide " + getName() );233     //Rect r = getBounds();234     //trace( Format( "New Left/Top: %0.2f, %0.2f\n", r.left_, r.top_ );235 }236 237 238 239 class SplittersApplication : public Application {240 public:241 242     SplittersApplication( int argc, char** argv ) : Application(argc, argv) {243 244     }245 246     virtual bool initRunningApplication(){247         bool result = Application::initRunningApplication();248 249         Window* mainWindow = new SplittersWindow();250         setMainWindow(mainWindow);251         mainWindow->setBounds( &Rect( 100.0, 100.0, 700.0, 700.0 ) );252         mainWindow->show();253 254         return result;255     }256 257 };258 259 260 int main(int argc, char *argv[])261 {262     Application* app = new SplittersApplication( argc, argv );263 264     Application::main();265 266     return 0;267 }268 269 270 /**271 $Id: Splitters.cpp 3184 2007-09-17 02:26:00Z ddiego $272 */

