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  1 //TextLayout.cpp  2   3 /*  4 Copyright 2000-2004 The VCF Project.  5 Please see License.txt in the top level directory  6 where you installed the VCF.  7 */  8   9  10 //Graphics4.cpp 11  12  13 #include "vcf/ApplicationKit/ApplicationKit.h" 14  15  16 using namespace VCF; 17  18 /** 19 Thie will show some of the various text 20 options that are possible when drawing text 21 */ 22  23 class TextLayoutWindow : public Window { 24 public: 25     TextLayoutWindow() { 26         setCaption( "TextLayout" ); 27  28     } 29  30     virtual ~TextLayoutWindow(){}; 31  32     virtual void paint( GraphicsContext* ctx ) { 33         Window::paint( ctx ); 34  35         /** 36         first we‘ll create 3 different fonts 37         One with Times New Roman, in 16 point bold 38         Another with Verdana, using the default font size, and bold 39         And finally the third in Courier at 16 points 40         */ 41  42         Font font1; 43         font1.setName( "Times New Roman" ); 44         font1.setPointSize( 16 ); 45         font1.setBold( true ); 46  47         Font font2; 48         font2.setName( "Verdana" ); 49         font2.setItalic( true ); 50  51         Font font3; 52         font3.setName( "Courier" ); 53         font3.setPointSize( 16 ); 54  55  56  57         /** 58         Initial x and y coordinates for the text 59         */ 60         double x = 20; 61         double y = 20; 62  63         /** 64         To change the GraphicsContext‘s font, make a call to 65         GraphicsContext::setCurrentFont, passing in a pointer to 66         the font. The passed in font will be copied over, so you 67         do not have to hold on it. 68         */ 69         ctx->setCurrentFont( &font1 ); 70  71         /** 72         Set the color of the context for line drawing 73         */ 74         ctx->setColor( Color::getColor( "black" ) ); 75  76         /** 77         draw a horizontal line, showing where the top of the text will be drawn 78         */ 79         ctx->moveTo( x, y ); 80         ctx->lineTo( x + 600, y ); 81         ctx->strokePath(); 82  83  84         /** 85         Now draw the text using the current font of the GraphicsContext 86         */ 87         ctx->textAt( x, y, "Text Example - " ); 88  89         /** 90         Determine the text width. The GraphicsContext uses it‘s 91         current font to determine this 92         */ 93         double width = ctx->getTextWidth( "Text Example - " ); 94  95         /** 96         Now change the GraphicsContext‘s current to our second font 97         */ 98         ctx->setCurrentFont( &font2 ); 99 100         /**101         and draw our next chunk of text102         */103         ctx->textAt( x + width, y, "all on a single line" );104 105 106         x = 20;107         y = 100;108 109         ctx->moveTo( x, y );110         ctx->lineTo( x + 600, y );111         ctx->strokePath();112 113         ctx->setCurrentFont( &font1 );114 115         /**116         The GraphicsContext::textWithStateAt draws text in either an enabled or disabled117         format, using the GraphicsContext‘s current font118         */119         ctx->textWithStateAt( x, y, "Text Example - ", false );120 121         width = ctx->getTextWidth( "Text Example - " );122 123         ctx->setCurrentFont( &font2 );124 125         ctx->textWithStateAt( x + width, y, "all on a single line", true );126 127 128         y += 100;129 130         ctx->setCurrentFont( &font3 );131 132         /**133         Now we‘ll prepare to draw text using134         a Rect to specify the bounds that the text will be135         drawn within136         */137         String text = "Text within bounds";138         Rect textBounds(x,y,x,y);139 140         /**141         This will mabe a rectangle that is the size of the text142         using the GraphicsContext‘s current font143         */144         textBounds.right_ += ctx->getTextWidth( text );145         textBounds.bottom_ += ctx->getTextHeight( text );146 147         /**148         Draw the rectangle that encloses the text149         */150         ctx->rectangle( textBounds );151         ctx->strokePath();152 153         /**154         Draw the text with x,y coordinates155         */156         ctx->textAt( x, y, text );157 158         y += 100;159 160         textBounds.offset( 0, 100 );161         textBounds.right_ -= 50;162         textBounds.bottom_ += 100;163 164         ctx->rectangle( textBounds );165         ctx->strokePath();166 167         text = "Text within bounds, left aligned and word wrapped";168 169         /**170         Now draw the text using the rect‘s bounds. By default it will be word wrapped171         */172         ctx->textBoundedBy( &textBounds, text );173 174         int32 drawingOptions = GraphicsContext::tdoCenterHorzAlign;175 176         ctx->setCurrentFont( &font2 );177         textBounds.offset( 350, -100 );178         textBounds.right_ += 100;179         textBounds.bottom_ -= 100;180 181         text = "Text within bounds, center aligned, single line";182 183         /**184         Now draw the text using the rect‘s bounds185         using the text drawing options specified in186         the drawingOptions variable187         */188         ctx->textBoundedBy( &textBounds, text, drawingOptions );189         ctx->rectangle( textBounds );190         ctx->strokePath();191 192         textBounds.offset( 0, 50 );193         textBounds.right_ -= 50;194 195         text = "Clipped text within bounds, center aligned, single line";196 197         /**198         Draw the text but now that teh bounds have been shrunk, you‘ll see that199         the text becomes clipped200         */201         ctx->textBoundedBy( &textBounds, text, drawingOptions );202         ctx->rectangle( textBounds );203         ctx->strokePath();204 205 206         textBounds.offset( 0, 50 );207         textBounds.right_ += 50;208 209         text = "Text within bounds, right aligned, single line";210 211         drawingOptions = GraphicsContext::tdoRightAlign;212 213         /**214         Draw the text with right alignment215         */216         ctx->textBoundedBy( &textBounds, text, drawingOptions );217         ctx->rectangle( textBounds );218         ctx->strokePath();219 220 221         textBounds.offset( 0, 50 );222         textBounds.right_ += 50;223         textBounds.bottom_ += 100;224 225         text = "Text within bounds, left aligned, single line, centered vertically";226 227         drawingOptions = GraphicsContext::tdoCenterVertAlign;228 229         /**230         Draw the text and center it vertically231         */232         ctx->textBoundedBy( &textBounds, text, drawingOptions );233         ctx->rectangle( textBounds );234         ctx->strokePath();235 236 237         x = textBounds.left_;238         y = textBounds.bottom_ + 50;239 240 241         textBounds.left_ = x;242         textBounds.top_ = y;243 244 245         ctx->moveTo( x, y );246         ctx->lineTo( x + 600, y );247         ctx->strokePath();248 249 250         drawingOptions = GraphicsContext::tdoBottomAlign;251 252         ctx->setCurrentFont( &font1 );253         textBounds.right_ = textBounds.left_ + ctx->getTextWidth( "Text Example - " );254         textBounds.bottom_ = textBounds.top_ + ctx->getTextHeight( "EM" );255 256 257         /**258         Draw the text and align it to the bottom of the bounds259         */260         ctx->textBoundedBy( &textBounds, "Text Example - ", drawingOptions );261 262 263         ctx->setCurrentFont( &font2 );264 265         textBounds.left_ = textBounds.right_;266         textBounds.right_ = textBounds.left_ + ctx->getTextWidth( "all on a single line - bottom alignment" );267 268 269         ctx->textBoundedBy( &textBounds, "all on a single line - bottom alignment", drawingOptions );270 271 272 273         /**274         What follows shows you how to draw text that is aligned along a275         baseline276         */277 278         x = 20;279         y = textBounds.top_ + 100;280 281         ctx->textAt( x, y -20, "The text below is aligned to the baseline, allowing for multiple fonts" );282 283         font1.setPointSize( 32 );284 285         ctx->setCurrentFont( &font1 );286 287 288 289         /**290         Generate the baseline. The baseline is determined by using the291         largest ascent in the series of font‘s you intend to use. In292         our case that‘s font1293         */294         double baselineY = y + font1.getAscent() ;295 296         /**297         draw the baseline298         */299         ctx->moveTo( x, baselineY );300         ctx->lineTo( x + 1000, baselineY );301         ctx->strokePath();302 303 304         /**305         draw the first part of the text306         */307         ctx->textAt( x, y, "Text Example - " );308 309         /**310         nudge our x coordinate over by the width of the text we just drew311         */312         x += ctx->getTextWidth( "Text Example - " );313 314         /**315         reset the y coordinate. It‘s new value is the baseline316         minus the ascent of the next font we are going to use317         */318         y = baselineY - (font2.getAscent());319 320         /**321         set the next font322         */323         ctx->setCurrentFont( &font2 );324 325         /**326         draw the text327         */328         ctx->textAt( x, y, "all on a single line" );329 330         /**331         repeat ad infinitum...332         */333         x += ctx->getTextWidth( "all on a single line" );334 335         ctx->setCurrentFont( &font3 );336 337         y = baselineY - (font3.getAscent());338 339         ctx->textAt( x, y, ", with even more Text!" );340 341         x += ctx->getTextWidth( ", with even more Text!" );342 343         font1.setColor( Color::getColor("red") );344         font1.setItalic( true );345 346         font1.setPointSize( 16 );347 348         ctx->setCurrentFont( &font1 );349         y = baselineY - (font1.getAscent());350 351 352         ctx->textAt( x, y, " And now in Technicolor :)" );353 354     }355 356 };357 358 359 360 361 class TextLayoutApp : public Application {362 public:363 364     TextLayoutApp(int argc, char** argv) : Application(argc,argv){365 366     }367     virtual bool initRunningApplication(){368         bool result = Application::initRunningApplication();369 370         Window* mainWindow = new TextLayoutWindow();371         setMainWindow(mainWindow);372         mainWindow->setBounds( 0.0, 10.0, 925.0, 700.0 );373         mainWindow->show();374 375         return result;376     }377 378 };379 380 381 int main(int argc, char *argv[])382 {383     Application* app = new TextLayoutApp( argc, argv );384 385     Application::main();386 387     return 0;388 }389 390 391 /**392 $Id: TextLayout.cpp 3124 2007-06-17 00:26:39Z obirsoy $393 */

