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  1 //ImageBasics.cpp  2   3 /*  4 Copyright 2000-2004 The VCF Project.  5 Please see License.txt in the top level directory  6 where you installed the VCF.  7 */  8   9  10 #include "vcf/ApplicationKit/ApplicationKit.h" 11 #include "vcf/GraphicsKit/Win32Image.h" 12 #include "vcf/GraphicsKit/Pixels.h" 13  14  15  16 using namespace VCF; 17  18 /** 19 This example will demonstrate some of the basics of 20 working with images 21 */ 22  23  24 class ImageBasicsWindow : public Window { 25 public: 26     ImageBasicsWindow() { 27         setCaption( "ImageBasics" );         28     } 29  30     virtual ~ImageBasicsWindow(){}; 31  32     virtual void paint( GraphicsContext* ctx ) { 33         Window::paint( ctx ); 34  35         /** 36         This will create an image from a given file name 37         */ 38         Image* logoImage = GraphicsToolkit::createImage( "logo.bmp" ); 39  40         /** 41         Simplest way to draw an image 42         */ 43  44         double x = 20; 45         double y = 20; 46  47         ctx->drawImage( x, y, logoImage ); 48  49         y += logoImage->getHeight() + 20; 50  51         /** 52         Draw a portion of the image 53         */ 54  55         Rect r( 0, 0, logoImage->getWidth(), logoImage->getHeight() ); 56         r.offset( x, y ); 57  58         //original bounds 59         ctx->setColor( Color::getColor("black") ); 60         ctx->rectangle( &r ); 61         ctx->strokePath(); 62  63         r.inflate( -10, -10 ); 64  65         ctx->drawImageWithinBounds( &r, logoImage ); 66  67         y += logoImage->getHeight() + 20; 68  69         String imageInfo = Format( "Image width: %d, height: %d") 70                                      %logoImage->getWidth() % logoImage->getHeight(); 71  72         ctx->textAt( x, y, imageInfo ); 73  74         y += ctx->getTextHeight( imageInfo ) + 20; 75  76         /** 77         draw on the image 78         */ 79         /** 80         first lock the image 81         */ 82         logoImage->beginDrawing(); 83  84         GraphicsContext* imgCtx = logoImage->getImageContext(); 85  86         /** 87         draw a red rectangle on the image 88         */ 89         imgCtx->setColor( Color::getColor("red") ); 90  91         imgCtx->rectangle( 20, 20, 100, 75 ); 92         imgCtx->fillPath(); 93  94         /** 95         unlock the image makes sure the image pixels are uptodate 96         */ 97         logoImage->finishedDrawing(); 98  99         /**100         draw the image again101         */102         ctx->drawImage( x, y, logoImage );103 104         y += logoImage->getHeight() + 20;105 106         /**107         bitblt a portion of the image context to our current ctx108         */109         logoImage->beginDrawing();110         imgCtx = logoImage->getImageContext();111 112         Rect src(0,0,100,50);113         Rect dest(10, y, 10 + src.getWidth(), y + src.getHeight() );114 115         ctx->copyContext( src, dest, imgCtx );116 117         logoImage->finishedDrawing();118 119         y += dest.getHeight() + 20;120 121         /**122         Now draw the image transparently. Note that this does not use any sort123         of alpha channel transparency124         */125 126         logoImage->setIsTransparent( true );127         logoImage->setTransparencyColor( Color::getColor("red") );128 129         ctx->drawImage( x, y, logoImage );130 131         y += logoImage->getHeight() + 20;132 133 134         logoImage->setIsTransparent( false );135         /**136         Manipulate the pixel bits137         */138 139         /**140         retrieve the image bits - you‘ll get a pointer to141         a SysPixelType142         */143         {144             ColorPixels pix(logoImage);//->getImageBits()->pixels_;145 146                                         /**147                                         Calculate the size, width * height148             */149             int size = logoImage->getHeight() * logoImage->getWidth();150             /**151             manipulate the values of the green color channel152             */153             for ( int i=0;i<size;i++ ) {154                 pix[i].g = minVal<>( 255, pix[i].g + 50 );155             }156 157 158             ctx->drawImage( x, y, logoImage );159         }160 161         /**162         delete the image cause we don‘t need it anymore163         */164         delete logoImage;165 166     }167 };168 169 170 171 172 class ImageBasicsApplication : public Application {173 public:174 175     ImageBasicsApplication( int argc, char** argv ) : Application(argc, argv) {176 177     }178 179     virtual bool initRunningApplication(){180         bool result = Application::initRunningApplication();181 182         Window* mainWindow = new ImageBasicsWindow();183         setMainWindow(mainWindow);184 185         mainWindow->setBounds( 100.0, 100.0, 400.0, 875.0 );186         mainWindow->show();187 188 189         return result;190     }191 192 };193 194 195 int main(int argc, char *argv[])196 {197     Application* app = new ImageBasicsApplication( argc, argv );198 199     Application::main();200 201     return 0;202 }203 204 205 /**206 $Id: ImageBasics.cpp 2647 2006-04-28 16:42:38Z kdmix $207 */

