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linq to xml 操作实例

/// <summary>    /// 拼接xml结构    /// </summary>    /// <returns></returns>    public XElement GetListXml(string id)    {        try        {            //判断客户端传输过来的是否是int型            int tempInt = 0;            int tempIntPs = 0;            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tempPageNumber))            {                int.TryParse(tempPageNumber, out tempInt);            }            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tempPageSize))            {                int.TryParse(tempPageSize, out tempIntPs);            }            id = isBBSName(id);            //            XElement xRoot = new XElement("root");            //查询根数据            DataSet ds = null;            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))            {                XElement xTabs = new XElement("tabs");                xRoot.Add(xTabs);                if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)                {                    foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)                    {                        //选项卡                        XElement xTab = new XElement("tab");                        xTab.Add(new XAttribute("title", "" + dr["Name"].ToString().Trim() + ""));                        xTab.Add(new XAttribute("id", "" + dr["HierarchyCode"].ToString().Trim() + ""));                        xTabs.Add(xTab);                    }                }                return xRoot;  //直接返回            }            else            {                // 获取接口分类                SourceURL URL = new SourceURL("BBS_Category");                string ret = new GetHtmlByUrl().fncGetHtmlByUrl(URL["address"]);                XElement srcXml = XElement.Parse(ret);                var boards = from node in srcXml.Elements()                             where node.Name == "board"                             select node;                XElement imageView = new XElement("imageview");                xRoot.Add(imageView);                XElement list = new XElement("list");                foreach (XElement board in boards)                {                    //  判断传输的id是否是大级分类                    if (board.Attribute("name").Value =http://www.mamicode.com/= id)                    {                        var forums = from node in board.Elements()                                     where node.Name == "forum"                                     select node;                        forums = forums.Skip(tempInt).Take(tempIntPs);                        foreach (XElement forum in forums)                        {                            XElement item = new XElement("item");                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(forum.Attribute("id").Value))                            {                                //判断是否有下级列表                                SourceURL BBSList = new SourceURL("BBS_List");                                string Para = BBSList["para"];                                string address = BBSList["address"];                                string paras = string.Empty;                                string[] arg = new string[] { forum.Attribute("id").Value };                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Para))                                    paras = string.Format(Para, arg);                                string tempaddress = new GetHtmlByUrl().fncGetHtmlByUrl(address + "?" + paras);   //读取列表地址                                XElement NoteXml = XElement.Parse(tempaddress);                                //var Noteposts = from node in NoteXml.Elements()                                //                where node.Name == "posts"                                //                select node;                                var tempPost = from node in NoteXml.Elements()                                               where node.Name == "posts"                                               select node;                                // 判断是否还有下级                                if (tempPost != null && tempPost.Count() > 0)                                    item.Add(new XAttribute("level", "true"));                                else                                    item.Add(new XAttribute("level", "false"));                                item.Add(new XElement("id", forum.Attribute("id").Value));                            }                            item.Add(new XElement("title", forum.Attribute("name").Value));                            item.Add(new XElement("date", string.Empty));                            item.Add(new XElement("img", string.Empty));                            item.Add(new XElement("summary", string.Empty));                            list.Add(item);                        }                        xRoot.Add(list);                        return xRoot;                    }                }                //  传输的id为子级分类                SourceURL _BBSList = new SourceURL("BBS_List");                string _Para = _BBSList["para"];                string _address = _BBSList["address"];                string _paras = string.Empty;                string[] _arg = new string[] { id };                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_Para))                    _paras = string.Format(_Para, _arg);                string _tempaddress = new GetHtmlByUrl().fncGetHtmlByUrl(_address + "?" + _paras);   //读取列表地址                XElement _NoteXml = XElement.Parse(_tempaddress);                //var _Noteposts = from node in _NoteXml.Elements()                //                 where node.Name == "posts"                //                 select node;                var _tempPosts = from node in _NoteXml.Elements()                                 where node.Name == "posts"                                 select node;                if (_tempPosts != null && _tempPosts.Count() > 0)                {                    var _tempPost = _tempPosts.Elements().Where(p => p.Name == "post").Skip(tempInt).Take(tempIntPs);                    if (_tempPost != null && _tempPost.Count() > 0)                    {                        foreach (var notePost in _tempPost)                        {                            XElement _item = new XElement("item");                            _item.Add(new XAttribute("level", "false"));                            _item.Add(new XElement("id", notePost.Attribute("id").Value));                            _item.Add(new XElement("title", notePost.Element("posttitle").Value.Replace(" ", "").Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", "").Replace("<br />", "")));                            _item.Add(new XElement("date", string.Empty));                            _item.Add(new XElement("img", string.Empty));                            _item.Add(new XElement("summary", notePost.Element("poststatic").Value));                            list.Add(_item);                        }                    }                }                xRoot.Add(list);                return xRoot;            }        }        catch (Exception ex)        {            LogCommon.ilogDebug.Debug("BBS 拼接列表xml报错:" + ex.ToString());            return null;        }    }


linq to xml 操作实例