首页 > 代码库 > Oracle创建用户以及备份还原数据库操作


-- Create the user 
create user XX
  identified by ""
  default tablespace USERS
  temporary tablespace TEMP
  profile DEFAULT
  password expire;
-- Grant/Revoke role privileges 
grant connect to XX<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">;</span>grant ctxapp to XX;
grant dba to XX;
grant exp_full_database to XX;
-- Grant/Revoke system privileges 
grant alter any index to XX;
grant alter any table to XX;
grant create any index to XX;
grant create any table to XX;
grant create session to XX;
grant drop any index to XX;
grant drop any table to XX;
grant select any table to XX;
grant unlimited tablespace to XX;


select 'alter system kill session'''|| to_char(a.sid)||','||to_char(serial#)||'''' from v$session a
where a.username=XX;


 select job,broken,what,interval,t.* from user_jobs t;

expdp switch40/switch40@orcl dumpfile = switch40_0606_1907.dmp schemas=switch40 EXCLUDE=TABLE:\"IN ('T_XX')\"
impdp SWITCH52/SWITCH52@orcl dumpfile = switch40_0606_1907.dmp remap_schema=switch40:SWITCH52
