首页 > 代码库 > 微信里经常看到的滑动翻页效果,slide


上个星期我们的产品姐姐让我帮她写个微信里经常看到的滑动翻页效果,今天抽空写了3个小demo(只写了webkit需要chrome模拟手机看 开启touch事件), 故此写个随笔。




<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>    <title></title>    <meta name="viewport" content="width=320.1, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./demo.css"></head><body><div class="slide_div">    <div class="slide_page_1 slide_page"></div>    <div class="slide_page_2 slide_page"></div>    <div class="slide_page_3 slide_page"></div>    <div class="slide_page_4 slide_page"></div></div></body><script src="../zepto.js"></script><script src="demo.js"></script></html>
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/** * Created by huangjianhua on 14-12-14. */$(function () {    var cur_page= 0, touchFirst_obj, touchLast_obj, touchEnd_obj, moveY,        slide_range = 30,        page_count = $(‘.slide_div div‘).length || 4;    $(document).on(‘touchstart‘, ‘.slide_div‘, function (e) {        e.preventDefault();        touchFirst_obj = {            startY : e.touches[0].clientY        };    });    $(document).on(‘touchmove‘, ‘.slide_div‘, function (e) {        e.preventDefault();        touchLast_obj = e.touches[0];        moveY = touchLast_obj.clientY - touchFirst_obj.startY;    });    $(document).on(‘touchend‘, ‘.slide_div‘, function (e) {//        touchEnd_obj =  e.changedTouches[0];        //上 或 下        if(moveY > 0) {            //第一页的话 不作处理            if(cur_page == 0) return;            cur_page--;            $(this).attr(‘class‘, ‘slide_div slide_animate_down_‘ + cur_page);        } else if(moveY < 0) {            //最后一页的话 return            if(cur_page == +page_count-1) return;            cur_page++;            $(this).attr(‘class‘, ‘slide_div slide_animate_up_‘ + cur_page);        }    });});




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/** * Created by huangjianhua on 14-12-14. */$(function () {    var cur_page= 0, touchFirst_obj, touchLast_obj, touchEnd_obj, moveY,        slide_range = 30,        page_count = $(‘.slide_div div‘).length || 4;    $(document).on(‘touchstart‘, ‘.slide_page‘, function (e) {        e.preventDefault();        touchFirst_obj = {            startY : e.touches[0].clientY        };    });    $(document).on(‘touchmove‘, ‘.slide_page‘, function (e) {        e.preventDefault();        touchLast_obj = e.touches[0];        moveY = touchLast_obj.clientY - touchFirst_obj.startY;    });    $(document).on(‘touchend‘, ‘.slide_page‘, function (e) {//        touchEnd_obj =  e.changedTouches[0];        //上 或 下        if(moveY > 0) {            //第一页的话 不作处理            if(cur_page == 0) return;            cur_page--;            $(this).prev(‘.slide_page‘).removeClass(‘hide‘).addClass(‘moveFromTop‘).addClass(‘current‘);            $(this).addClass(‘moveToBottom‘);            $(this).on(‘webkitAnimationEnd‘, function() {                $(this).prev(‘.slide_page‘).removeClass(‘moveFromTop‘);                $(this).removeClass(‘moveToBottom‘).removeClass(‘current‘).addClass(‘hide‘);                $(this).off(‘webkitAnimationEnd‘);            });        } else if(moveY < 0) {            //最后一页的话 return            if(cur_page == +page_count-1) return;            cur_page++;            $(this).addClass(‘moveToTop‘).removeClass(‘moveFromBottom‘);            $(this).next(‘.slide_page‘).removeClass(‘hide‘).addClass(‘moveFromBottom‘).addClass(‘current‘);            $(this).on(‘webkitAnimationEnd‘, function() {                $(this).removeClass(‘moveToTop‘).removeClass(‘current‘).addClass(‘hide‘);                $(this).next(‘.slide_page‘).removeClass(‘moveFromBottom‘);                $(this).off(‘webkitAnimationEnd‘);            });        }    });});




* {    padding: 0;    margin: 0;}html, body {    width: 100%;    height: 100%;    overflow: hidden;}.slide_div {    width: 100%;    height: 400%;    position: absolute;}.slide_page {    width: 100%;    height: calc(100% / 4);    background-size: 100% 100% !important;}.slide_page_1 {    background: url(../img/pic1.jpg) no-repeat;}.slide_page_2 {    background: url(../img/pic2.jpg) no-repeat;}.slide_page_3 {    background: url(../img/pic3.jpg) no-repeat;}.slide_page_4 {    background: url(../img/pic4.jpg) no-repeat;}.slide_page:before {    content: ‘‘;    position: absolute;    width: 47px;    height: 47px;    margin-left: -23px;    background: url(../img/arrow.png) no-repeat center 0;    -webkit-animation: start 1.5s infinite ease-in-out;}.slide_page_1:before {    left: 50%;    top: calc(100% / 4  - 2.5%);}.slide_page_2:before {    left: 50%;    top: calc(100% / 4 * 2 - 2.5%);}.slide_page_3:before {    left: 50%;    top: calc(100% / 4 * 3 - 2.5%);}.slide_page_4:before {    content: none;}@-webkit-keyframes start {    0%,30% {opacity: 0;-webkit-transform: translate(0,10px);}    60% {opacity: 1;-webkit-transform: translate(0,0);}    100% {opacity: 0;-webkit-transform: translate(0,8px);}}/************  transition  **************/.transition_fast {    -webkit-transition: .6s ease;}


/** * Created by huangjianhua on 14-12-14. */$(function () {    var cur_page= 0, touchFirst_obj, touchLast_obj, touchEnd_obj, moveY, startTranslateY, currentTranslateY,        slide_range = 130,        page_count = $(‘.slide_div div‘).length || 4;    $(document).on(‘touchstart‘, ‘.slide_div‘, function (e) {        e.preventDefault();        touchFirst_obj = {            startY : e.touches[0].clientY        };        $(this).removeClass(‘transition_fast‘);        //取translateY的值        var transfrom_info = window.getComputedStyle(e.currentTarget, null).getPropertyValue("-webkit-transform").match(/matrix\((\d+,\s?){1,5}(\-?\d+)/);        startTranslateY = transfrom_info && transfrom_info[2] || 0;        $(this).css(‘-webkit-transform‘, ‘translateY(‘+ startTranslateY +‘px) translateZ(0)‘);//        console.log(startTranslateY , ‘startY‘,window.getComputedStyle(e.currentTarget, null).getPropertyValue("-webkit-transform"));    });    $(document).on(‘touchmove‘, ‘.slide_div‘, function (e) {        e.preventDefault();        touchLast_obj = e.touches[0];        moveY = touchLast_obj.clientY - touchFirst_obj.startY;        currentTranslateY = +startTranslateY + +moveY;        //第一张往上、和最后一张往下 return;        if((startTranslateY ==0 && moveY > 0) || (startTranslateY == -window.innerHeight * (page_count-1) &&  moveY < 0)) {            return;        }        $(this).css(‘-webkit-transform‘, ‘translateY(‘+ currentTranslateY +‘px) translateZ(0)‘);    });    $(document).on(‘touchend‘, ‘.slide_div‘, function (e) {//        touchEnd_obj =  e.changedTouches[0];        $(this).addClass(‘transition_fast‘);        //上 或 下        if(moveY > slide_range) {            //第一页的话 不作处理            if(cur_page == 0) return;            cur_page--;        } else if(moveY < -slide_range) {            //最后一页的话 return            if(cur_page == +page_count-1) return;            cur_page++;        }        $(this).css(‘-webkit-transform‘, ‘translateY(‘+ (-100 * (+cur_page)/4) +‘%) translateZ(0)‘);    });});



谢谢围观,说得不对的地方欢迎吐槽, ^ ^。
