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【Daily Scrum】11-28

第二个Sprint很快就要结束了,今天查看TFS才发现有些信息还没有更新,比如有些task其实已经完成了但状态仍然是active,一次性修改过来之后burndown and burn rate可能看起来会有些奇怪。。。



Today’s WorkTomorrow’s Work
Feng Nie Interaction implementationFix bugs 
Lijun WuFinish the gallery page Design about us page 
Manni WangUpdate daily work Update daily work 
Xizhou ZhuSupport colored conversion Deploy the gallery 
Zhaofan Qiu Design efficient algorithm for strucure asc artTest on web 
Zhongxia ChenDeal with color picture problem Test on wechat 

 Burndown and burn rate:


【Daily Scrum】11-28