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pof(Protocol Oblivious Forwarding)环境测试用例(原创,转载请注明)





Controller,即pc1,宿主机mac 地址:忽略,ip:

Switch,即pc2,mac地址:08:00:27:f8:d0:03  ip:

Server/client,即pc3,mac地址:08:00:31:40:e2:6a ip:

二、本测试用例所构建的一个新协议架构如图:协议类型为0x0888,协议名称为FP。在用例中,此数据包根据FP 协议从Server/Client (PC3) 发送到POFSwitch (PC2) ,并由POFSwitch (PC2)转发回Server/Client (PC3)。在配置了控制器后,转发器可以依据此协议转发。









Step1. Define FP protocol.

l Click the plus sign before Add New Protocol.

l Take turns to input name and length of a field, and click OK to submit the field. (The fields are: Dmac (48bit), Smac (48bit), Eth Type (16bit), DIP (64bit), SIP (64bit), Protocol (16bit))

l Click SAVE and input name of the protocol (ETH + FP), and click SAVE to confirm the packet definition.


Step2. Create First Flow Table.

l Click the box behind Switch, and choose the switch.

l Click the plus sign before Add New Table. Click FirstEntryTable, input “128” in Table Size. Choose “OF_MM_TABLE” in Table Type. Click Table Field and choose fields Dmacand Eth Type in protocol window, click SUBMIT to confirm. Click SUBMIT to submit the table.

Step3. Create FP Parse Flow Table.

l Click the plus sign before Add New Table, and click NewTable. Input “FP Parse Flow Table” in Table Name, input “128” in Table Size, choose “OF_MM_TABLE” in Table Type. Click Table Field and choose fields DIP, SIP and Protocol in protocol window, clickSUBMIT to confirm. Click SUBMIT to submit the table.

Step4. Create FP Flow Table.

l Click the plus sign before Add New Table, and click NewTable. Input “FP Flow Table” inTable Name, input “128” in Table Size, choose “OF_LPM_TABLE” in Table Type. ClickTable Field and choose fields DIP in protocol window, click SUBMIT to confirm. ClickSUBMIT to submit the table.

Step5. Configure FP Flow Table.

l Click FP Flow Table button to choose it.

l Click Flow Entry to create a new entry. Input “1” in Priority, input value and mask of each entry field (DIP: value = http://www.mamicode.com/0x1122334455667788, mask = 0xffffffffffffffff).

l Click New Instruction Item in Instruction, and choose APPLY_ACTIONS. ChooseSET_FIELD after clicking Add New Action. Choose Dmac in the FieldName, input mac address of the PC3’s port in Value and “0xffffffffffff” in Mask.

l Click Add New Action and choose SET_FIELD. Choose Smac in the line FieldName, input mac address of the PC2’s data port in Value and “0xffffffffffff” in Mask.

l Click Add New Action and choose SET_FIELD. Choose DIP in the line FieldName, input “0x8877665544332211” in Value and “0xffffffffffffffff” in Mask.

l Click Add New Action and choose SET_FIELD. Choose SIP in the line FieldName, input “0x1122334455667788” in Value and “0xffffffffffffffff” in Mask.

l Click New Instruction Item in Instruction, and choose APPLY_ACTIONS. Click Add New Action and choose OUTPUT. Choose the port index of PC2’s data port in output port ID. Click SUBMIT to confirm the configuration of the FP Flow Table. If you don’t know the data port’s index, click the green little tree sign at bottom right corner to check Port infomation.

Step6. Configure FP Parse Flow Table.

l Click FP Parse Flow Table button to choose it.

l Click Flow Entry to create a new entry. Input “1” in priority, input value and mask of each entry field (DIP: value = http://www.mamicode.com/0x0, mask = 0x0; SIP: value = 0x0, mask = 0x0; Protocol: value = 0x0901, mask = 0xffff).

l Click New Instruction Item in Instruction, and choose instruction GOTO_TABLE. Choose “FP Flow Table” in Next_TableID and input “0” in Packet Offset, click SUBMIT to confirm the configuration of the FP Parse Flow Table.

Step7. Configure First Flow Table.

l Click First Flow Table button to choose it.

l Click Flow Entry to create a new entry. Input “1” in priority, input value and mask of each entry field (Dmac: value = http://www.mamicode.com/0x0, mask = 0x0; Eth Type: value = 0x0888, mask = 0xffff).

l Click New Instruction Item in Instruction, and choose instruction GOTO_TABLE. Choose “FP Parse Flow Table” in Next_TableID and input “0” in Packet Offset, click SUBMIT to confirm the configuration of the FP Parse Flow Table.

Step8. Enable data port.

l Click the green little tree sign at bottom right corner to check Port infomation.

l All of the network ports of PC2 are shown in line. Find the data port, which connected to Server/Client (PC3), according to the port name listed in the fourth column name. ChooseTrue in the last column OpenFlow Enable in data port line.




在出现的这一栏数据的最后,即最右侧找到OpenFlow Enabled,鼠标左键点击,然后enter键:


注:在step5 中有 一串高亮的红色数字0x8877665544332211,这里和官方配置文档不同。请注意。


Pc3 即server/client,用来构造测试包并且发送给switch,并且抓包分析。

1.进入系统后,打开ostinato和 wireshark。请注意一定要sudo打开,不然无法抓包。设置wireshark,点击capture->interfaces,然后选中eth0,点击start。




3.用ostinato构造数据包。选中port0,在右侧空白处右键->new stream.然后双击出来的红框内的设置按钮:


4.选中 Protocol Selection 点击Advanced,选中MAC,并点击方框4内的按钮加到右边。同样的步骤,将EthII和 HexDump加到右边:


5.选中 Protocol Data,点击Media AccessProtocol,依次在Destination和Source中输入相应的mac地址(Source为pc3即server/client的mac地址,Destination为pc2 即switch的mac地址):


6.点击Ethernet II,在方框2中打勾,并输入内容为0888:




8.点击Packet View,预览下包结构,是否为:0x XX XX XX XX XX XX YY YY YY YY YY YY 08 88 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 88 77 66 55 44 33 22 11 09 01。点击ok。










pof(Protocol Oblivious Forwarding)环境测试用例(原创,转载请注明)