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iOS 6 By Tutorials ---第二章--【第一弹】--【翻译】

Chapter 2 :Programming in Modern Objective-C    

By Matthijs Hollemans 


Old habits die hard, but if you’re still writing Objective-C in the style that was practiced when iPhone OS 2.0 first came out (mid-2008), then you’re missing out on some really useful advancements that were made to the language recently.

Languages are living things, and computer languages like Objective-C are no exception. As far as programming languages go, Objective-C is already quite the elder – about 30 years old! For a while it was left to wither and die... until the success of the iPhone breathed new life into it. Amazingly, Objective-C is now one of the most popular languages in the world.

Ever since Apple took charge of the compiler tools used to create iOS apps (GCC in the past, now LLVM and Clang), the company has invested heavily in making the Objective-C faster, simpler and better. With every recent new version of Xcode, the language has seen refinements that make it easier for us to write our apps.

Because you may have missed some of these changes – a lot of books and code samples still cling to the old style of doing things due to habit or lack of updates – this chapter will show you how to make the most of these new techniques.

You will review the improvements that were made to Objective-C over the years – including the hot new stuff in Xcode 4.5 – and learn to take advantage of these features to make your code shorter (less typing!), simpler, and easier to debug.

After reading this chapter, you will have an elegant and modern Objective-C coding style you can be proud of. Read along – don’t let your programming style get rusty! 

旧习难改,如果你还在使用iPhone OS 2.0(2008年中)刚出现的时候的OC习惯,那你将会错过最新语言的一些有用的改进。


自从苹果负责编译器工具用于创建iOS应用程序(GCC在过去,现在LLVM和叮当声),公司已经投入巨资使objective - c更快,更简单,更好。





The Numberpedia app

In this chapter you are going to take an app that is written in old-fashioned Objective-C style from the time of iPhone OS 2.0 (also known as the “Stone Age”) and modernize it to take advantage of the exciting new features in Xcode 4.5 and the Clang 4.0 compiler. 

The app itself is very simple. It’s called “Numberpedia,” and it consists of two screens. The first screen contains a table view that lists interesting numbers (that is, if you like numbers). Tap on a row and a “detail” screen opens that lets you edit the number, just in case you know better than Pythagoras. 

在这一章你将会把一个在iPhone OS2.0时期的旧的OC语言编写的一个应用,通过xcode4.5的新特性对它进行改进。



You can find the source code for this app with this chapter’s resources – open it up and take a quick look around before continuing.

You’ll notice there are essentially two classes: MasterViewController for the main list and DetailViewController for the screen that lets you edit the numbers. The view controllers are designed in the Storyboard Editor and segue from one to the other.

The MasterViewController contains a UITableView, and most of what it does happens in the table view data source methods. If you have ever worked with a table view before, then this code will look very familiar. 







iOS 6 By Tutorials ---第二章--【第一弹】--【翻译】